How To Make Stone In Little Alchemy 2: EXPLAINED

Here's a quick guide on how to make Stone in Little Alchemy 2!

Dylan Crosbie
Dylan Crosbie - Minecraft Expert
5 Min Read

If you’ve just started playing Little Alchemy 2 and are struggling to advance to the Stone Age, this article is for you. We’ll look at how to make Stone and what recipes use Stone within them in Little Alchemy 2.

Stone is one of the first elements within the game and can be created with only one step first – creating Lava. Then, all you have to do is cool the Lava down with air. If you’ve never played Little Alchemy 2, it’s a puzzling yet captivating game that we highly recommend.

How To Make Stone In Little Alchemy 2

How To Make Stone In Little Alchemy 2
How To Make Stone In Little Alchemy 2

To make Stone in Little Alchemy 2, you’ll need Earth, Fire, and Air. So first, combine Earth with Fire to create Lava. Then, combine Lava and Air to make Stone. The core ingredient in all Stone recipes is Earth. Unlike immortality, which comes as part of a pack, Earth is one of the elements you start the game with.

  • Earth + Fire = Lava
  • Lava + Air = Stone

And voila, that’s how you make Stone in Little Alchemy 2.

That said, there are two different variations which you can follow to make Stone. If you’ve made different advancements through the game, you can use these alternative recipes to create Stone:

  • Earth + Pressure = Stone
  • Earth + Solid = Stone

Earth + Pressure = Stone

Earth + Pressure = Stone
Combine Earth and Pressure to make Stone

An alternative to Lava and Air is Earth combined with Pressure. This recipe is the other direct way of making Stone. Here’s how to make Stone in Little Alchemy 2 by using the Pressure recipe:

Air + Air = Pressure

Earth + Pressure = Stone

Earth + Solid = Stone

Earth + Solid = Stone
Combine Earth and Solid to make Stone

This recipe is sort of a roundabout way of getting Stone. First, you’ll need to create a planet, a galaxy, and a universe before making a solid. Then, you combine the Solid with Earth. Here’s how to make Stone in Little Alchemy 2 using this recipe:

  • Human + Universe = Science
  • Science + Earth = Solid
  • Solid + Earth = Stone

How to make the Universe Element:

  • Earth + Earth = Land
  • Land + Land = Continent
  • Continent + Continent = Planet
  • Planet + Planet = Solar System
  • Solar System + Solar System = Galaxy
  • Galaxy + Galaxy = Galaxy Cluster
  • Galaxy Cluster + Galaxy Cluster = Universe

What Can You Make With Stone in Little Alchemy 2

So why learn how to make Stone in Little Alchemy 2 anyway? Stone has a whopping 37 combinations that can help you advance through the game to unlock all 720 elements. With Stone, you can make everything from Brick to a Sphinx to the Philosopher’s Stone! Here’s what you can make with Stone in Little Alchemy 2:

Stone + WoodAxe
Stone + MetalBlade
Stone + RockBoulder
Stone + ClayBrick
Stone + KnightCastle
Stone + SmokeChimney
Stone + LiquidClay
Stone + PeatCoal
Stone + SwordExcalibur
Stone + WheatFlour
Stone + DinosaurFossil
Stone + MonsterGargoyle (Myths and Monsters)
Stone + PressureGranite
Stone + GraveGravestone
Stone + ToolHammer
Stone + BoulderHill
Stone + FruitJuice
Stone + EarthLand
Stone + AnimalLizard
Stone + FireMetal
Stone + SpaceMeteoroid
Stone + Organic MatterMineral
Stone + SkyMoon
Stone + PlantMoss
Stone + SunflowerOil
Stone + HammerOre
Stone + SmallPebble
Stone + ImmortalityPhilosopher’s Stone (Myths and Monsters)
Stone + DesertPyramid
Stone + AirSand
Stone + SandSandstone
Stone + SnowSnowball
Stone + LionSphinx
Stone + HammerStatue
Stone + HumanTool
Stone + StoneWall
Stone + MotionWheel
A table with all Stone combinations and outcomes

Even some of the combinations with Stone require Stone to make – that’s so meta!

Learning to make Stone in Little Alchemy 2 can help you create combinations like the Sphinx, Moon or even a Gargoyle (if you have the Myths and Monsters pack installed).

We hope that you found this helpful article! You can download Little Alchemy 2 from your Game/App Store or play online free!

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By Dylan Crosbie Minecraft Expert
Dylan is an avid Open World and Strategy game fan. His favorite content to cover include Minecraft and The Sims. His gaming interests along with his journalistic background, allows him to bring the best gaming content to your screens.
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