Genshin Impact is one of the biggest games in the world right now and continues to grow with every update. The developers are dedicated to their updates schedule, and the latest version, 2.1 is only days away from launch. Sadly, even now, the updating process isn’t as streamlined as you’d expect. If you want to manually update to Genshin Impact 2.1, you can follow this guide.
One of the more common errors with the game is the “Gamer Verification Error“, please follow our guide to fix that issue. We will be updating that as well, as soon as 2.1 is officially live so players can download and install the game from scratch.
Manually update to Genshin Impact 2.1
Manually updating the game is recommended, especially if you are running into problems with the launcher. This method also allows you to download files using the Download Manager of your choice. The launcher doesn’t always work well and can cause frequent slowdowns.
Note: This guide assumes that you are currently on version 2.0.
Required Downloads for 2.1
Download the following files, which are for version 2.1
Note: You don’t need to download all audio files. Only download the ones you need. You still need at least one. Also, please make sure to download the audio patch of the language your Windows is set to, meaning, you will English if that is your default language.
- 2.1 Patch (6.61 GB)
- Chinese Audio files (547.49 MB)
- English Audio files (957.89 MB)
- Japanese Audio files (537.73 MB)
- Korean Audio files (728.59 MB)
Updating to 2.1
Now that you have all the required files, we can move to the updating process.
- Open the Genshin Impact launcher, and make sure it is updated to the latest version. This means, that the launcher version is updated, and not the game version. This process is automatic, and you will be prompted.
- After that, click on the Update button, and then click Pause, after a few seconds.
- Close the launcher, and make sure it isn’t running in the background. You can also check if it is running in the taskbar, close it from there too.

Head over to the following location
C:\Program Files\Genshin Impact\Genshin Impact Game\
- Now, in this location, delete all the .zip_tmp files (temp files that were downloaded when you hit the Update button)
- Copy all the files you downloaded in the “Required Downloads” section, and paste them in the following location (the patch file for 2.1, and the audio files)
C:\Program Files\Genshin Impact\Genshin Impact Game\ (or wherever the game is installed, just make sure it is in the Genshin Impact Game folder)
- Open the launcher, and it will say Pre-installation done
Important things to keep in mind
- DON’T EXTRACT THE FILES. Please don’t extract the files, because if do so, you won’t be able to play the game until patch 2.1 is live
- Pre-installation done means that you can keep playing the game until the patch is live
- If you are following this guide after 2.1 is live, it will say Update instead of Pre-installation done. Click that, and it will install these files
We hope this guide was helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below.
Will you give us 2.1 download link?
You mean from scratch? I’ll update the guide for that when the update is officially live 🙂
Update out 😀
hello, i want to download the 2.1 update so t\here on this website there’s a link 2.1 patch will it do the work if i only download that file and follow the instruction?
Do you want to download the game from scratch? Or just want to update it?
Can you upload the full file (20gb+) of 2.1,i was in 2.p before. bcs i fried to update and verify eror and it said to retry but its downloading from beginning same like i download genshin first time
You can follow the guide for downloading from scratch here.
Finally, I’ve been waiting for this page for few days!! Thanks a lot, you always have been very helpful to me when new patch comes. I have few questions tho, i already downloaded required files, close launcher, delete zip_tmp files, and paste the files to Genshin Impact Game directory but it keeps showing “Game Pre-Installation, Get Now” in my launcher. Should I wait till the patch updated and manually extract the files later? If I download using launcher, it tells me to download 24,4 GB data size instead of 8 GB like others, is it okay?
Can you check what happens when you launch the game directly using the executable?
same issue here
i have the same problem here
Have you tried running it directly using the executable?
Hey, can you try running it directly using the executable? After following the steps?
Hey, i have this issue too. i’ve done with the step but the launcher keep display get pre download and its 29GB wow. then im running genshinimpact.exe . no issue here and i try to verify my genshin data. there are not wrong with the data. can you help kind of this too ?
If it’s working fine with the executable, then keep using that till the patch is live.
Hey, i have the same issue here, i install genshin manually before, from scratch, and this is my first update, and i’m doing it manually too. I’m trying to update normally through launcher before, but it says 25.4 gb , and i think there’s something wrong, and i decide to update manually, but then the launcher keeps showing pre-installation done, get now. I try to run the game through exe. and it’s working fine. So… It should be fine till the 2.1 live, right???
Yes, if it’s working fine through the executable, then it shouldn’t be a problem 🙂
i start download from launcher and pause it
– i copy the name of the files and rename the downloaded files from here to that name
– then i delete the tmp files
-then i start the launcher
thats how i do everytime, didnt try 2.1 update yet because of my shitty internet
ah nvm
file name was different because i always install update after the version is live
yea, there is no issue in playing game. Should i just keep the 2.1 pre install files?
Thanks, the one you’ve been waiting for
Glad I could help! Enjoy the new update 🙂
Hey I downloaded the files and deleted all the previous files from 2.0 , but when I open launcher It doesn’t detect files ( patch is live now ) and when I extracted the files and tried directly running it , it is just showing a white screen
thanks a lot, you are fast lol
btw right after patch 2.1 is live, do we have to extract those files or we can just automatically play the game?
When it’s live, the launcher will automatically detect the files 🙂
hey my friend had an issue where their launcher doesn’t detect the files, should we extract it manually or is there another solution?
Yes, you can extract the files now 🙂
Thanks so much bro if it wasn’t for you I would have gave up on playing genshin
Hope you keep on for the upcoming updates and thanks again
damn, youre so fast bro! i like…
Thank you! I’m trying my best to keep you all updated 🙂
thank you very much!
Glad I could help! 🙂
Thanks, man.
Glad to have helped! Enjoy 🙂
Hi Mr Ali! I have a question ^^ I downloaded the update using the launcher but halfway my internet gone bad so I cancelled the download (it was around 60% at that time). I decided to follow your tips to manually download the files, so I deleted the .zip_tmp files as you mentioned. But I found that the English and Japanese audio files are downloaded completely (from launcher just now). Is it okay that I kept the audio files from launcher while I download the the 2.1 Patch files (6.6Gb) manually..? Or I have to delete the audio files and re-download them manually from here..? Thank you in advanced!
If the audio files are downloaded fully, then go ahead and download the 6.6 GB patch. Ideally, it should work! 🙂
Thank you so much! Appreciate your guide as always! <3
Glad I could help! Enjoy 🙂
I always come here on the pre-update, thank you very much Ali!
Glad I could help! Enjoy 🙂
Thank you for the tips! I will try it later but before that i want to ask you
My position now is my launcher detect it that i must download the all game contents (like 25gb)… if i following your tutorial, it can be updated? Or not? Thanks!
But like you said when i downloaded the launcher, there is zip.tmp file in genshin impact game file, so if i following your tips, is it possible?
Yes, it should work. If you are currently on version 2.0, you should be able to update to 2.1
Thanks, i already do the step you give, but the launcher button only shows “Get Game” but i launched the game its fine….so is it alright? I dont know cause after i downloaded the patch and voice over file and copy it, the launcher keep shows “get game”
Yeah, it should be fine. You might have to extract the patch itself is live.
Okay, thanks for the info! You’re really a lifesaver for genshin player!
Glad to have helped! 🙂
What to do if the launcher shows “GET NOW” instead of “UPDATE” ?, Is it ok to extract the files manually ?
NOTE: i downloaded the game manually cuz the launcher restart the downloading every time i tried to download the game, i am on 2.0 version now
Thanks dude, it was so helpful. I always come here every update since 1.3.
my launcher says “get game” ever since i was forced to download genshin manually from scratch in 2.0… would this work for me?
yes it should, but you might have to continue using the executable to launch it
i see thats good then, thanks!
My problem is Insufficient storage space in pre download. That make 60.5 GB space required. Can i use this method for updating this game?
Yes, this method works for manually updating from 2.0 to 2.1 🙂
Hey! I wrongfully unzipped the files, when I open the game I get a message about the servers being under maintenance, will I be able to play once the update is live and the message will just disappear or should I delete them and download the 2.0 back and then the unzipped files ?
I recommend waiting for the patch to go live now, and yes, you will be able to play once it does 🙂
So basically, the “pre-download” wants me to download 24GB of data… that’s basically downloading the entire game from scratch. I’ve seen a few others with the same issue.
When i start “pre-downloading” the files that appear on my Genshin folder are named “GenshinImpact_2.1.0.zip_tmp” and “Audio_English(US)_2.1.0.zip_tmp” these aren’t update files since the names should be “game_2.0.0_2.1.0_diff_kYU5QpgOiPB1woI4”, it’s downloading the entire game from scratch for some reason, i already tried reinstalling (since i always have a backup of the current version of the game) but it still wants me to install 24gb.
So.. my question is if it’s ok to manually extract the update files once the patch goes live and if it’s going to work, i already downloaded the update from the direct links.
I never had to do this before, its the first time i run into this issue, usually i start pre downloading, stop, remove the tmp files and put the manually downloaded updates in, that had the same name of the ones i just deleted and then the launchers says that the pre-download is done.
it’s confusing when i see 17gb in launcher patch download but just 7 – 8gb ini this file you’ve upload..
is this really work? i’m afraid if there’ll be not working or corrupted files, can u explain why there’s different in the size?
The files are correct, yes! 🙂
Thanks bro for sharing the files
Glad to have helped, enjoy! 🙂
thank you very much and useful, I can save quota and time this time 🙂
Hi Ali, thanks for sharing manual update, this very helpful for me. i also share this to my friends. but could you please upload full japanesse audio from 1.1, because in my game i just have English Audio. Thanks before 🙂
Thanks bro, after failing to verify twice huh finally.
Hi! I just want to ask why is the game still telling me to pre-install the game (29 gb) even though I already done the manual installation? I’ve followed everything in the guide and made sure to follow it correctly but its still want me to pre-install.
Can you try running the game using the executable?
same case, i don’t think the game register the pre-instalation files, there’s still 9 gb left to download
Hey, can you both send me a screenshot of your folder?
Right click the launcher shortcut, and select Open File Location. Open the folder Genshin Impact game in the directory
What happes when I extract in genshin Impact Game file is it bad cuz I was literally confuse when put the patch and the audio file in the genshin Impact Game file then I open the launcher there is still the GET GAME in the laucher so that’s why I extract
If you have extracted the files, it should work fine now, since the patch is live
Hello again Mr. Ali! I’m nervous for the update tomorrow since I run the game from the executable. I followed the steps and successfully followed this guide and good thing my genshin is still working properly. Will the game automatically detect the files when the patch goes live and “self-extract” when you log in tomorrow? Thanks again!
Should I rename the file tho?
Which one?
Hello again! I come here every pre-update. THANK YOU FOR THIS!
Do you will put complete update link and installation method after 2.1 uptade is live?
I prefer update it when the update is released
This is because my launcher doesn’t detect the files (I have 2.0 version I was playing directly from exe)
If I download this patch and I extract it, I must wait for another patch to have the complete version?
yes i’m too
What will we do when the 2.1 is live?
You can simply extract the files yourself, or try launching the Launcher, and see if it detects it.
once again, I thank you bro. ^_^
Glad to have helped! 🙂
Hello Mr.Ali, i just want to ask. My download is stuck at 100%, but the downloaded file already there (6,9GB). It’ll work if I just extract the file?
For some reason my launcher says “Launch” rather than the “Update” option even though my game tells me to go to the launcher to update. Would it be okay for me to skip the steps involving the launcher and only download the files listed and then put them in the correct locations?
been awhile
hey ali, it works but genshin impact is redownloading all my english voiceovers which i have already uninstalled ingame, i use jp only but in the loading screen it always directs the english download, how do i permanently change it so that it does not download the default language ?
I think you will need to uncheck English in the Settings Menu.
From the game itself or other settings?
Thanks sm but I have a question, I manually downloaded 2.0 from scratch weeks ago, so the update file (winrar) is and I have the previous one 2.0 game file, should I replace it, or just leave it like that? I don’t want these files to keep piling up with updates
hi, my launcher game always makes me download the entire game (27gb) and when it’s done it restart downloading all over and over, what can i do 🙁
You’re my life savior, thanks a lot! Without this I guess I need to download the 25GB size game contents from the launcher 0_0
Glad I could help! 🙂
Hey can you make a fresh installation guide plz
You can read this for that 🙂 It is updated for 2.1
yo dude, update your guide. cant just download 1 voice for now,need atleast english voice download.
Thanks for the tip! I’ve updated it. It’s necessary to download the language pack that Windows is set to alongside any additional packs.
it’s so helpful
Glad to have helped! 🙂
Hello dude, I am installing this game for first time and it always fails at verification.Will this problem will be solved with manual installation.??
Yes, follow the instructions here.
You, sir, are a life saver. Arigato!
Thankyou very much brother,
May ALLAH Bless you
I’ve successfully entering the game,
It’s just took me around 2,5 hours
From download to enter the game
Ah almost forgot
If you dont mind,
I think it will be good if you can do this kind of stuff in the next update too
Thankyou 🙂
Hey I have a question. I have downloaded the update patch and audio file and placed them into the folder after deleting all the TMP files. However when I open up the launcher it says update and proceed to download 24GB update. Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance.
(P.s I also downloaded the game manually before and this is my first time downloading an update manually)
Try extracting the files in the same folder, and then run the game either through the launcher, or directly using the executable
Followed everything, the launcher said “Launch” and then I clicked it and it still says im at 2.0, and yes my launcher has been updated.
Hi these are the problems I encountered
1. I clicked launched but it gave me only white screen.
2. I needed to download the English Voice Files always
3. When I clicked the executable, it gave me the 2.0 game and told me to download the latest one but I already did.
I dont want to go to other sites because this is the only site I trust, the other gave a very complicated error on my other pc which required me to hard reset my pc losing all my game files and school files, so I deleted the whole game but I am not giving up, I dont have friends to play my account so I just left the whole game at the trash bin, do you have any solutions pls?
thank you so much!! ill ber elyih to you on future updates
Glad to have helped! Enjoy the game 🙂
i will be relying to you on future updates thank you ali.. (〒﹏〒)
Glad to have helped! I will be writing a guide for each update don’t worry! 🙂
Hello, I would like to ask for a solution about the launcher because it keeps on saying failed to unzip game files
Can i ask if i myself can update my genshin from 1.1 to 2.0 just doing manual patch? i want to manual patch because we only use a prepaid wifi so what i’m doing is going to my friend’s house with a usb then download the files from them.
That won’t work, since 1.1 is pretty behind. If you want to download 2.1 from scratch, however, you can follow this guide below.
it is annoying it download very slowlike snail booo
Hi there! I was able to update my genshin but the executable itself didn’t update, is there a way I can fix this?
Hi! I was able to update genshin manually but when I checked the executable didn’t get updated, is there any way I can fix this?
how to fix error 31-4302:”(
Is there an update about 2.2?
Here you go! 🙂
Update about 2.2??
Here you go! 🙂
Hello! When will this site update for the pre-installation for 2.2 files?
Here you go! 🙂
please upload 2.2 version genshin impact Asap
Here you go! 🙂