How to Romance Tifa in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

Team Tifa!

Abdul Muqsit
7 Min Read

If you are shipping Cloud and Tifa together, then you’ll want to take her on a date during the Chapter 12 Golden Saucer date. This guide will be perfect for you as we talk about how you can deepen your relationship with Tifa and romance her in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.

We’ll discuss all the factors that affect your relationship with her, which quests, dialogue choices, and other activities you need to complete to raise it high enough to take her out on a date once you get to the Golden Saucer.

The Golden Saucer Date

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Tifa Romance

Let’s first take a quick look at how the Golden Saucer date works during chapter 12. A character will knock on Cloud’s door based on who has the deepest relationship with him, and the date will start.

Note: You need to have a level 4 relationship with her (Dark Blue smiley face) for Tifa to knock on your door. If you have a level 5 relationship (Light Blue smiley face), then it will turn into an intimate date.

Our goal in this guide will be to ensure that Tifa knocks at Cloud’s door and you get to have a very special moment with her. So, let us go over the steps you need to take to raise the relationship status to at least level 4 or even 5.


Tifa’s Sidequests

Tifa and Cloud 2 - Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Tifa Romance
Cloud and Tifa on a Sidequest

Each region in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth offers a number of sidequests. Each sidequest will have a specific companion accompany you and show more interest in whatever you are doing. Completing these quests will raise your relationship status with that companion.

So, to ensure our relationship with Tifa is as high as possible, we will complete all of her sidequests and even keep her in our party while doing other sidequests. Keeping her in the party will ensure that we get to increase our relationship through combat as well. (more on that later)

Here is a list of all the Tifa sidequests you need to complete in each region of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth:

  • Grasslands: A Rare Card Lost.
  • Junon: Calling All Frogs | Dreaming of Blue Skies.
    • Choosing the bait meat instead of the monster meat in the “Dreaming of Blue Skies” sidequest nets you slightly more relationship points.
  • Corel: Bodybuilders in a Bind | Gold Cup or Bust.
  • Nibelheim: My White Haired Angel.


The Right Dialogue Choices

Tifa and Cloud Golden Saucer - Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Tifa Romance
Cloud and Tifa explore the Golden Saucer during Chapter 8.

There will be a handful of moments throughout your playthrough where you get to chat with all of the party members. These are relation-building conversations. You have to say the right thing during these conversations to increase your relationship score with Tifa.

You’ll be presented with a Best Response, a Good Response, and a Bad Response. You won’t lose relationship points for choosing the Bad option. But you will end up missing out on an opportunity to deepen your relationship with her.

Here is a List of all the relationship-building conversations you’ll have with Tifa:

  • Outside the Inn in Kalm: Pick the “The Place I made that promise to you.”
  • Outside her room in Junon: Pick the “The person from the village I remember is you.”
  • On the beach in Chapter 6: Choose the “Lot’s happened since then.”
  • When you reach Gongaga Village: Pick the “Gonna go with the pot roast.”
  • During the Village Festival: Say “You did good.”.
  • During the return to Nibelheim: You have to say “Have I helped you get through it all?”


Story Choices

Tifa and Cloud during a Side quest

Cloud also gets three chances during the story events to deepen his relationship with Tifa. Here’s a list of all the opportunities you’ll get:

  • Junon Inauguration Parade: You have to ensure that the 7th Infantry Division wins the parade by finding all the missing members and nailing the Quick Time Event to get a perfect score.
  • Costa Del Sol: Make sure that Cloud and Tifa have the same taste in swimsuits. Here’s how they match up:
    • Cloud Ocean Chocobo Casual Swimwear |Tifa Majestic Glamour Jeans Shorts
    • Cloud Wild Surf Shirtless | Tifa Shining Spirit Two-Piece

You can also check our detailed guide on how to get every swimsuit in Costa Del Sol for Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith.

  • Costa Del Sol: During the beach attack, choose to go and help Tifa, and Red XIII on the right side.


Synergy Abilities & Skills

Cloud and Tifa use their Synergy Ability

Lastly, you can improve your relationship score with Tifa and romance her in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth by actively using her in your combat party and utilizing all of her Synergy Abilities with Cloud. This will give your relationship score a good boost.

Our FF VII Rebirth Combat Tips guide talks about Synergy Abilities in detail. Go and check it out if you are interested!

Here are all the Synergy Folios you need to unlock for both Cloud and Tifa to use all their linked moves:

  • Cloud: Relentless Rush | Counterfire | Melee Blade
  • Tifa: Synchro Cyclone | Leaping Strikes | Slip and Slide

Every Synergy Ability you haven’t gotten the relationship XP from will be marked with a yellow sign. So, make sure you use and gain XP from all of them!

There’s no way to check the exact relationship level with any character before you beat the game besides the emojis you see by pressing L1. So, follow the guide, which should help you end up with the correct date partner.

Do all these things, and you should be able to romance Tifa in Chapter 12 of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. We hope you found this guide easy to follow and have a good time with your best girl, Tifa!

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As an enthusiastic gamer, wanderer, and anime consumer, I find that a good day is one spent discussing and writing about games, but an even better day is spent playing them.
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