There are many ways to earn money in GTA 5 Online, whether through various game modes or businesses. Hey, you can even rob a convenience store if you’re truly strapped for cash! But, there is a way to make decent money, that is both fun and profitable: selling cars. Whether you’re wanting to sell cars you already own or want to know how to sell the cars you pick up off the street, this article will answer your questions.
Without further ado, let’s get pawning!
How to Sell The Cars You Own

Grand Theft Auto V has an extraordinary collection of cars available for players to purchase, across three different in-game dealerships. However, when you’re lacking funds, or just wanting to make space in your 50-car garage, knowing how to sell your cars is essential knowledge.
- Once you have decided which car you’re willing to part ways with you’ll need to find a Los Santos Customs near you. There are currently 4 Los Santos Customs, 3 in Los Santos and 1 in Blaine County. The Los Santos Customs in Blaine County is called Bakers Garage. Regardless, they’ll all take your cars.
- Drive to your nearest Los Santos Customs with the car you’re intending to sell. Once there simply drive into the garage.
- Once in the garage, you’ll be met with two options: “Repair: X” and “Sell“. Press “Sell” then confirm if you’re happy with the displayed price.
However, when you sell a car you will not get back your initial investment, instead, you’re likely to receive anywhere between 50-60% of the retail price. This is regardless of any upgrades you’ve made.
How to Sell Stolen Cars

Not a lot of players know they can sell the cars that they steal. But if you take a stolen vehicle to any of the above-mentioned Los Santos Customs, you’ll be offered the option to sell it.
- Find the perfect vehicle to steal. Not all cars are worth the same, some will only net you $1,000-$2,000. However, more expensive cars will sell for far more. Such as the Vapid Peyote, which will sell for roughly $12,940.
- Once you have found the perfect car, attempt to steal it as stealthily as possible. If you gain a wanted level whilst jacking a car, you’ll have to wait a period of time before you can sell it. Stolen cars that the law is aware of are considered ‘hot’. However, if you manage to make a sneaky getaway, you can head straight to your nearest Los Santos Customs to sell.
- Now that you’ve sold your first car, you’ll have to wait for roughly 45 minutes before you’re able to sell another.
Whilst the cooldown for selling vehicles does slow down the rate at which you can gain money, if you’re vigilant and only sell the most expensive cars, you’re still able to make a good $12,000 side money every hour.
Most Expensive Cars To Sell

To make your job easier, we’ve compiled a short list of the 10 best cars that sell for the most once stolen. This way you’ll be able to maximize your profits:
- Vapid Payote: $12,940
- Albany Buccaneers: $9,875
- Lampadati Felon GT: $9,500
- Declass Tornado: $9,040
- Lampadati Felon: $9,000
- Gallivanter Baller (Modern): $9,000
- Gallivanter Baller (Classic): $9,000
- Obey Rocoto: $8,500
- Canis Mesa: $8,500
- Ocelot F620: $8,000