How to Unlock the House Chest in Hogwarts Legacy

Find out what this chest holds!

Umer Cheema
Umer Cheema
5 Min Read

Hogwarts Legacy is a massive game with tons of secrets for you to explore. One of the earliest secrets that you’ll come across is the chest in your House’s common room. That is why this guide will show you how to unlock the House chest in Hogwarts Legacy.

To unlock your House chest, you need to collect 16 House Tokens and place them in the chest. It will unlock and give you a cool cosmetic item.

While the entire process is quite straightforward, it can be extremely tiring and a bit tedious in some cases. However, we will make this easy for you by showing you all the key locations so that you do not aimlessly roam around.

Hogwarts Legacy: How to Unlock House Chest

Before we talk about where each key is located, you need to do a few things to start this quest. Make sure that you go to the Transfiguration Courtyard and talk to Nellie Oggspire. Now, you will notice that a new quest started which has you collecting 16 Daedallion Keys.

The best part is that none of the keys are locked behind gates that require advanced spells or anything like that. So, if you wanted, you can get this amazing cosmetic item extremely early in the game by following this guide.

Note: All images below are credited to Legacy Gaming.

Make sure that you open each image in a new tab to make it larger. This will make it easier for you to find the exact location of each key.

Number 1Castle Wing – The Astronomy Wing
Closest Floo – Astronomy Tower
Number 2Castle Wing – The South Wing
Closest Floo – Clock Tower Courtyard
Number 3Castle Wing – The Great Hall
Closest Floo – The Great Hall
Number 4Castle Wing – The Library Annex
Closest Floo – Potions Classroom
Number 5Castle Wing – The South Wing
Closest Floo – Faculty Tower
Number 6Castle Wing – The Great Hall
Closest Floo – The Great Hall
Number 7Castle Wing – The Library Annex
Closest Floo – Central Hall
Number 8Castle Wing – The Library Annex
Closest Floo – Central Hall
Number 9Castle Wing – The Astronomy Wing
Closest Floo – Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower
Number 10Castle Wing – The Bell Tower Wing
Closest Floo – Bell Tower Courtyard
Number 11Castle Wing – The South Wing
Closest Floo – Clock Tower Courtyard
Number 12Castle Wing – The Grand Staircase
Closest Floo – Grand Staircase Tower
Number 13Castle Wing – The Bell Tower Wing
Closest Floo – West Tower
Number 14Castle Wing – The Bell Tower Wing
Closest Floo – West Tower
Number 15Castle Wing – The Library Annex
Closest Floo – Library
Number 16Castle Wing – The South Wing
Closest Floo – Clock Tower Courtyard


Image Credits: Legacy Gaming

After finally collecting all 16 tokens, make your way back to the House chest and insert them. To make things more suspensful, you can only insery 1 token at a time. The reward you get by collecting all keys is your respective house’s relic uniform.

So, if you are a Ravenclaw, you will get the Ravenclaw Relic House Uniform.


That’s everythig you need to know about how to unlock the House chest in Hogwarts Legacy. Getting all 16 keys can take quite some time but with enough paitence, you’ll find them easily. Plus, the reward is well worth the wait!

Did you manage to collect all 16 chest tokens? What do you think about the reward? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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By day, Umer loves writing about games and talking about them; by night, he is an avid gamer that loves playing League of Legends and RTS games. Being a massive fan of Metal Gear Solid, you'll find Umer always praising the legendary Hideo Kojima.
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