Leaked Sonic Frontiers Trailer Shows Off Fast-Paced Combat

Rizwan Anwer
3 Min Read

Sonic Frontiers is a game that had a rough start and was met with a lot of skepticism from fans, but with each passing trailer and a demo where players were able to play the game first-hand, impressions have changed about the hedgehogs latest 3D adventure. In the latest Leaked Sonic Frontiers Trailer, we get a look at the new combat mechanics the game will guide you through.

Leaked Sonic Frontiers Trailer

The latest Leaked Sonic Frontiers Trailer shows us an overview of what to expect from the upcoming title with regards to combat. Sonic is now more agile and deadly than before and has a broad variety of moves to devastate foes.

  • With the addition of a skill tree that you can upgrade as you play the game, by collecting tokens from fallen enemies and exploration.
  • Further, Sonic has his staple moves – a homing attack, drop dash, and a stomp at the beginning of the game to start players off.
  • You can also collect red seeds of power and blue seeds of defense to boost the relevant stats.
  • As the game gets harder, you unlock new abilities, with Phantom Rush being one of them where Sonics attack power is boosted for a brief period for high-damage attacks.
  • Sonic Boom is a new ability too where the hedgehog shoots shockwaves at the enemies to also deliver damage at a range.
  • Wild Rush is a zig-zag attack that hurls you at enemies at great speeds. This helps in dodging projectiles and making an entrance.
  • Cyloop has been talked about before and helps break enemy shields, get some extra coins, and other surprises await players by learning all the other patterns.
  • Parry is also a new addition to the game, where you can block an enemy’s attack and deliver hard-hitting damage to combine the previous attacks.

All in all, the latest trailer shows that the world is expansive and filled with enemies and challenges.

In addition, the trailer shows us the contents of the digital deluxe edition:

What players can expect when they pre-order the digital deluxe edition on any of the stores.
Sonic Frontiers Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order bonuses

What are your thoughts on the latest trailer? Let us know in the comments section.

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A gamer passionate about writing for the world of video games and consoles. Always on top of the latest leaks and making sure that I'm the first to cover them with the utmost accuracy.Thoroughly enjoy my work and always enjoy talking to other gamers from all over the world!
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