In this Midnight Suns Blade build guide, we’ll walk you through his cards, abilities, and strengths. We’ll highlight how you can use Blade’s combat style effectively and which cards work together to allow him to perform at his best.
If you haven’t heard of Marvel’s Midnight Suns, it’s a new tactical turn-based RPG that awards players for clever thinking. However, when starting off, you might be overwhelmed with the number of cards and the best time to use them.
Deck building requires you to choose a specific set of cards which becomes vital to ensuring a successful mission. So let’s look at Blade’s cards and how to build a killer deck that won’t fall flat.
Overview – Blade Build Guide

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Blade, aka Eric Brooks, is a damage-type character and comes with the starting lineup and becomes one of The Hunter’s first allies. His focus is to apply bleeds to enemies who deal damage over time. By stringing attacks together, Blade is a formidable team member – after all, he is a vampire slayer.
His greatest weakness is that his focus attack, Bleed, takes a few cards to power up before they become powerful.
However, once an enemy has been hit with his bleed attack, multiple cards enhance Bleed and thus deal significant damage.
Blade’s strengths include single-target damage, chain abilities, and damage over time.
A Guide on Blade Card Types
Before diving deeper into Blade’s builds, let’s review the basic card types within Marvel’s Midnight Suns. Each deck needs 8 cards comprised of at least one of the following:
Card Type | Example Card | Type Description | Type Symbol |
Attack cards | Strike | Attack cards deal damage. | Crossed swords. |
Skill cards | Bleed | Special abilities that support effects and buffs. | A shield with a diamond symbol. |
Heroic cards | Savage | Deal more significant damage but use Heroism. | An orange orb with a number within. |
Lastly, Blade’s passive ability, “cold-blooded,” gives you a chance to trigger bleeding on enemies, up to 25%. Considering that an upgraded Daywalker card chains 4 enemies, there’s a good chance that you’ll deal bleed to one of them.
Best Midnight Suns Blade Build
In Marvel’s Midnight Suns, a good Blade build looks something like this:
- Make ’em Bleed (Skill)
- Daywalker (Heroic)
- Quick Strike (Attack)
- Reaper (Attack)
- Savage (Heroic)
- The Hunger (Skill)
- Glaive (Legendary/Heroic)
Make ’em Bleed

Drawing Make ’em Bleed gives you two additional Blade cards and allows the following three damage cards to apply +2 bleeds. This is a fantastic card to lead with as it opens doors for Daywalker, Quick Strike, Reaper, and/or The Hunger. In addition, it ensures that these cards gain the bleed perk, even if they don’t usually have it.
If Blade is your damage dealer in your squad, Make ’em Bleed is definitely a card you want to draw early on. Additionally, you can modify the card to give you more Heroism, boosting your chances of using a Heroic card early on.

Daywalker is the first card you should spend Heroism on. Essentially, it allows you to wipe out enemies quickly while putting Bleed on some of them. The card allows for a chain 4 attack and lets you draw a card for every KO.
Later in the game, you can modify the card to add Bleed to it – meaning that you can use the Bleed perk without needing to Make ’em Bleed. Additionally, it allows you to get the most performance out of Quick Strike and Reaper.
Quick Strike

Quick Strike gains double the base damage as a bonus if the target already has Bleed. That’s why it’s ideal to use Quick Strike after Make ’em Bleed or Daywalker. However, the card is still helpful for dealing damage if your enemies aren’t bleeding. Additionally, as a quick card, it refreshes a card play, and you’ll get a free action per KO.
That said, because the card is a Quick card, it’s vital to save these until you’ve dealt some bleeding damage to your opponents. Then, you’ll get more out of the card and eliminate larger threats quickly.

At its core, Reaper capitalizes off bleeding enemies. That’s why you must set up the battlefield by using Make ’em Bleed. The attack card consumes all stacked bleeds on a target and deals the remaining damage immediately! Suppose you’ve used the above cards to stack bleeds on a player, slowly damaging your enemies. In that case, Reaper will tally the remaining damage needing to be dealt by those bleeds and hand it out at once.
Additionally, once the card has been upgraded, it will reward Blade with +1 strengthened for every KO. Lastly, later in the game, Reaper can also be modified to be a Quick card, allowing you to kill enemies, gain strength, and get your card played back.

Savage is an excellent card to have in your deck build. It deals devastating damage (443) and additional damage to opponents with block. It is a heroic card and costs Heroism, but it’s worth it. Playing this card later during the mission after gaining Heroism can quickly help you clean the battlefield.
If you have Savage in your deck, consider using Blade to bombard larger enemies with shields. The ability will allow him to quickly break through shields, opening the enemy up to further damage from other allies – if the enemy is still standing.
The Hunger

The Hunger is a card that should be preserved until you’ve dealt enough Bleed to your enemies. That said, it’ll only really come in handy later during the campaign once you’ve modified your other Bleed cards, such as Daywalker or Strike.
That said, if you have all that set up, The Hunger applies +2 marked to all bleeding enemies. Your teammates will target them, and you’ll recover health points from every enemy defeated.

Glaive is a legendary card, meaning you’ll have to max your friendship with Blade and complete his challenge to get the card. However, once you have it, it’s a real game changer.
The card deal damage and +2 bleed to opponents in a large Area of Effect. It also deals additional damage to opponents that already have the bleed effect. Pairing Glaive up with The Hunger and Reaper can clear the battlefield in seconds.
Glaive has one play per mission, as it’s an exhaust card.
All Midnight Suns Blade Cards
- Quick Strike
- Strike
- Make ’em Bleed
- Relentless
- Reaper
- The Hunger
- Savage
- Stake
- Daywalker
- Glaive
Card Name | Card Type | Card Description | Heroism Required |
Quick Strike | Quick Attack | Quick; gains double the base damage as a bonus if the target already has Bleed. | 0 |
Strike | Attack | Chain up to three enemies. | 0 |
Make ’em Bleed | Skill | Draw two cards; the next three damage cards apply +2 Bleed. | 0 |
Relentless | Attack | If target was damaged this turn, plus damage | 0 |
Reaper | Attack | Consumes all Bleed stacks on a target to deal the remaining damage instantly; +1 Strengthened on KO. | 0 |
The Hunger | Skill | Apply +2 Marked to every enemy with Bleed; recover HP for every enemy with Bleed. | 0 |
Savage | Heroic | If target has block, adds damage to attack | 2 |
Stake | Heroic | Lifesteal | 3 |
Daywalker | Heroic | Chain up to four enemies; draw a card for each KO. | 3 |
Glaive | Legendary | Damage and apply +2 Bleed to each enemy in an area; additional damage if the target already has Bleed; Exhaust. | 4 |
Midnight Suns Blade Combos

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Blade teams up best with an ally that will draw fire (such as a tank) so that he can deal damage and inflict Bleed on opponents. Since Blade’s mechanics revolve around Damage Over Time, it’s a good idea to have a squad that will buy Blade time.
Keeping that in mind, some good allies include Captain America, Doctor Strange, and Nico.
For example, Doctor Strange has cards that add damage to attacks in your hand. Since Blade’s early game damage is low, using Blessing of Vishanti can really increase the damage dealt by Blade. Another card that Doctor Strange has is Agamotto’s Gaze which allows you to pull back the last two attacks you played. This pairs perfectly with Blade’s attack cards and allows killer combos.
Captain America is the tank on the team as he taunts and draws attention away from your damage-dealing character: Blade. Using Captain America to create openings that allow Blade to deal Bleed on the battlefield is excellent gameplay.
Also, Captain America will have some cards that provide you with many card draws, making Blade’s damage abilities really useful.
Other good character pairings would include:
- Captain America
- Sister Grimm (Nico)
- Wolverine
- Hulk
- Spider-Man
Final Thoughts
When used right, Blade can deal immense damage to your opponents. Using the bleed mechanic deals damage over time. When played right, using abilities like Reaper can clear the table quickly.
Since Blade is part of the starting lineup, leveling up your friendship with him will pay off with the Legendary Glaive card. Keep in mind that Blade is DOT based, so strategize accordingly. Try out Ghost Rider’s deck if you’re looking for a character that deals more damage right off the bat.