10 Best Minecraft Island Seeds (2024)

Epic Islands Await You!

Ryan Day
11 Min Read

Starting a fresh Minecraft world with a random seed gives a mix of surprise and challenge.

However, if you want something special for your next adventure, you’re in the right place!

In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the best Minecraft island seeds, each packed with cool stuff, challenges, and surprises that will surely test your survival skills. 

Without further delays, let’s jump in!


Mountain Island

Mountain Island
Mountain Island Nearby Village

Seed: 3272709554512256335
Screenshot Coordinates: Spawn Point

Here’s a great mountain island spawn that is close to a village and an ancient city. The island has plenty of trees to get your initial tools and the mountain peaks can be a great location to set up your base

There’s also a nearby plains village on the island, where you can get free food and resources. 

When you’re ready, a nearby ancient city awaits for you to explore, where you can get loads of valuable resources like enchanted books, amethyst shards, and Bottle o’ Enchanting. 

Being a fan of shipwrecks, I’m glad to report that you can find two nearby at coordinates X: -216 Z: -280 and X: -376 Z: 296.


  • Plains Village (X: 104 Z: -264)
  • Ruined Portal (X: 296 Z: 232)
  • Buried Treasure (X: 72 Z: -248 / X: 8 Z: -248 / X: -40 Z: -248)
Mountain Island Map
Mountain Island Seed Map


Mushroom Island

Mushroom Island
Mushroom Island Skyview

Seed: 1920597807115725671
Screenshot Coordinates: X: 378 Z: -52.4

This next seed spawns you on a small island surrounded by birch trees. While it may look dull, it’s a great starting point to gather your initial resources. 

Once you’re ready, you can swim southwest to discover a huge mushroom island. Knowing that mushroom islands are safe from hostile mobs, this is a great location to set up camp and build your fortress. 

What appealed to me the most about this seed is that the mushroom island is just a few swims away. Given that mushroom fields are rare, this is one seed you should not miss.


  • Ruined Portal (X: 216 Z: 40)
  • Buried Treasure (X: 441 Z: -167)
  • Shipwreck (X: -152 Z: 216)
  • Ancient City (X: -904 Y: -51 Z: -152)
Mushroom Island Map
Mushroom Island Seed Map


Biomes Island

Biomes Island
Biomes Island Woodland Mansion

Seed: 2401894697928670923
Screenshot Coordinates: X: 584 Z: -680

Here’s an amazing seed that spawns you at the heart of an island with taiga, stony shore, and dark oak forest biomes. 

If you explore further, you’ll soon discover that the initial island where you spawned is part of a mini archipelago with at least eight islands. This offers tons of areas for you to explore and the river that sweeps across the archipelago is a great way to transport resources. 

What caught my attention, however, is the woodland mansion at coordinates X: 584 Z: -680. 


  • Ruined Portal (X: 344 Z: -376)
  • Shipwreck (X: 456 Z: -136)
  • Ocean Monument (X: 744 Z: -280)
  • Buried Treasure (X: 137 Z: 153)
Biomes Island Map
Biomes Island Seed Map


Epic Island

Minecraft Island Seed
Epic Island Skyview

Seed: 694265465870517515
Screenshot Coordinates: Spawn Point

From afar, this island looks like something that you’ll see in movies. It features several biomes with stony peaks in the middle, giving the island a “Mordor-ish” vibe

What I liked about this Minecraft seed is that the island is far from the mainland. If you’re looking for some challenge, this seed will force you to survive with limited resources until you get to the mainland. 

One thing to note though is that there’s another island southeast with a taiga village at coordinates X: 928 Z: 656. 


  • Ancient City (X: -232 Y: -51 Z: 136)
  • Ruined Portal (X: 24 Z: 184)
  • Shipwreck (X: 184 Z: -312)
  • Ocean Monument (X: 392 Z: 88)
Epic Island Map
Epic Island Seed Map


Double Mansion

Minecraft Island Seed
Double Mansion Skyview

Seed: -5585870909953194514
Screenshot Coordinates: Spawn Point

Here’s a Minecraft island seed that spawns you on a very tiny island with two nearby mansions. 

The only problem I see with this seed is the preparation before entering the mansions. You see, most of the island has stony shores, which isn’t that great when starting. 

Fortunately, there’s a small dark forest at the back of one of the mansions, which should be enough for your starting equipment. 

From there, you can build some weapons and jump straight to the mansion. 

You can also explore the shipwrecks at X: -152 Z: 120 and X: 152 Z: 696 before proceeding to the mansions. 


  • Ancient City (X: 600 Y: -51 Z: 632)
  • Woodland Mansion (X: 8 Z: 488 / X: -328 Z: 456)
  • Ruined Portal (X: 120 Z: 152)
  • Ocean Monument (X: -184 Z: 760)
Double Mansion Map
Double Mansion Seed Map


Mushroom Monument

Mushroom Monument
Ocean Monument Inside Mushroom Island

Seed: 694200528430126019
Screenshot Coordinates: X: 70 Z: 171.4

A mushroom island is already rare. However, having a mushroom island with an enclosed ocean monument is a different story!

This Minecraft seed spawns you at the beach with a nearby dark and birch forest. You can start collecting initial resources from here and build your starting equipment. 

After securing all essential items, take a quick swim heading east to find the mushroom island. 


  • Plains Village (X: -1,248 Z: 352)
  • Shipwreck (X: -360 Z: 296)
  • Ocean Monument (X: 72 Z: 40)
  • Ruined Portal (X: 184 Z: 56)
Mushroom Monument Map
Mushroom Monument Seed Map


Desert Island

Minecraft Island Seed
Desert Island Skyview

Seed: 65646
Screenshot Coordinates: Spawn Point

This Minecraft island seed will test your survival skills. It will spawn you on a small desert island with very few resources available. Good luck crafting your initial tools. 

Luckily, there are some shipwrecks a few swim away, where you can hopefully get some resources to get you started. 

To give you some hope, there’s a mushroom island up north from where you spawned and a desert temple and desert village far east. 


  • Shipwreck (X: -248 Z: -152 / X: 168 Z: -168 / X: -184 Z: 232 / X: 312 Z: 296)
  • Ruined Portal (X: 680 Z: 248)
  • Desert Village (X: 1,248 Z: -240)
  • Desert Temple (X: 1,112 Z: -264)
minecraft island seed
Desert Island Seed Map


Villagers vs Zombies

minecraft island seed
Seed Nearby Village

Seed: 6943313000000016
Screenshot Coordinates: Spawn Point

When playing survival Minecraft, having several sources for loot is very much welcome. 

Thankfully, this Minecraft island seed offers plenty of loot options for players, including two villages. You can either grow the existing community within the Plains village or renovate the zombie village after clearing it out. 

There are also nearby shipwrecks at the spawn point and the nearest mainland is just a few swims away. 


  • Plains Village (X: 32 Z: 0)
  • Zombie Village (X: 80 Z: -208)
  • Shipwreck (X: 136 Z: -120 / X: -104 Z: -248)
  • Buried Treasure (X: -23 Z: 9)
Villagers vs Zombies Map
Villagers vs Zombies Seed Map


War Island

minecraft island seed
War Island Skyview

Seed: -2905686047069235898
Screenshot Coordinates: Spawn Point

This Minecraft island seed will force your hand to act quickly. 

Upon spawning, you’ll find yourself on top of a woodland mansion. After some exploration, you’ll soon find out that there’s a pillager outpost nearby and a taiga village. 

If you want to save the village, you’ll need to get prepared ASAP to help the villagers fight off hostile mobs. 

This is a great seed if you want to have some sort of storyline in your world or looking for some challenge from the start. 


  • Taiga Village (X: 120 Z: 136)
  • Pillager Outpost (X: 120 Z: 88)
  • Woodland Mansion (X: 8 Z: 8)
  • Buried Treasure (X: 8 Z: -56 / X: 72 Z: -56)
War Island Map
War Island Seed Map


Sparse Jungle Island

Sparse Jungle Island
Sparse Jungle Island Nearby Village

Seed: -9094953800899979511
Screenshot Coordinates: X: -144 Z: -144

If you’re simply looking for a decent-sized island with tons of resources, then this island seed is what you’re looking for. 

This island features a good balance of sparse jungle and plains biomes, making it a great location to collect starting resources and build your base. The island also features some beach biomes and a nearby village. 

You can also check out the nearby ocean monument at X: 216 Z: -296 and the shipwreck at X: 120 Z: -280. 


  • Plains Village (X: -144 Z: -144)
  • Buried Treasure (X: 41 Z: 57)
  • Ruined Portal (X: 360 Z: 136)
  • Savanna Village (X: 784 Z: -1,024)
minecraft island seed
Sparse Jungle Island Seed Map


To sum it up, these Minecraft island seeds offer players a variety of exciting challenges and surprises. Whether they want mushroom islands, sparse jungles, or mountainous landscapes, we made sure to include something for everyone. 

From ancient cities to pillager outposts, each seed in this article provides unique highlights and opportunities for players to test their skills and have fun. 

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Ryan is an experienced gaming writer who specializes in CS:GO, Valorant, and World of Warcraft. He combines his love for writing and gaming to provide insightful, informative content for his readers.
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