Minecraft on Xbox Ray Tracing Update Could Be Coming Soon

The Feature Could Be Coming Soon

Rizwan Anwer
2 Min Read
  • Feature spotted in the game
  • Potential announcement at Showcase
  • No official confirmation from Mojang or Microsoft yet

According to a user on Twitter who was able to access a hidden menu in the game, they were able to discover the option of enabling Minecraft on Xbox Ray Tracing. Something that fans on the Xbox Series X have been waiting for eagerly is finally within their grasp, perhaps it will be mentioned at the upcoming Xbox Showcase in June.

Minecraft on Xbox Ray Tracing – No Longer A Dream?

The feature was accidentally available a few months ago, and ever since then, Microsoft has been silent on the matter. However, with the upcoming June Showcase, fans are excited that the feature could be announced.

Discovered by Twitter user, xKingDarkYT, they show off the title showing Ray Tracing in the graphics options.

Image courtesy of XKingDarkYT on Twitter

This image could be an early surprise for a bigger announcement at the showcase, as Microsoft has been very silent on the matter, and it’s about time they let the cat out of the bag for fans who have eagerly been waiting for the feature for many years now.

It’s worth mentioning that this is all rumor and speculation at this point, and that we can only hope that the feature gets mentioned at the event, for now, we advise taking this with a grain of salt.

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