Minecraft’s Player Report System – All We Know

Paulina Rodriguez
5 Min Read

Mojang has announced the Player Reporting feature for the future Minecraft 1.19.1 Java Edition release that allows players to report inappropriate chat messages or dangerous behavior in multiplayer servers.

The feature has already been in action with the 22w24a snapshot for several weeks, and players are already raising big concerns in the community about the potential abuses in reporting.

Not only there are legitimate doubts about how will Mojang go through these reports, but banned players won’t be able to connect to multiplayer servers or Realms “on past, current, and future versions of Minecraft”.

The fear of losing your account and access to servers you’ve invested time and effort for years is a legitimate reason to question this decision. But how does the Player Report feature actually works?

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What We Know About Minecraft’s New Player Report Feature

Mojang has listened to players’ feedback and concerns and has released more information on the Player Reporting system to clear out potential misinformation or misconceptions. Here are some of the clarifications the company has released about the future feature:

Mojang’s Involvement in Monitoring & Bans

  • Mojang won’t monitor traffic or chat on private Java.
  • The Player Report won’t use AI or bots to scan private servers.
  • Banned players won’t lose access to single-player mode.
Image by Mojang

Reasons for Reporting & Bans

  • Players won’t get banned when using profanities or swearing. This alone isn’t ground for a report.
  • Players can get reported and banned for “hate speech, bullying, harassment, sexual solicitation, or making true threats to others.” Mojang defines hate speech as “insult, intimidate, or threaten an individual or group based on a trait or attribute of their identity, such as sexual orientation, religion, color, gender, or disability” for clear-cut criteria on the matter.
  • Players suggesting serious attempts to commit suicide or suggest it to others reported via the Player Report will receive support and resources from the system. There are no details on whether a ban may incur by this alone.
  • Bans can be temporary or permanent, depending on the player’s offense severity and recurrence.
  • Temporary bans can vary in length, and permanent bans are only reserved for severe and recurrent offenses.
Image by Mojang

How Player Report Works

  • All reports done through the system will get reviewed by a team of human investigators trained by the company to look into these reports and review them before taking any action.
  • Reports will include surrounding messages to give investigators more context on the potential infraction.
  • Minecraft 1.19 has cryptographically signed chat, meaning that no message can get forged or rearranged for false reports. If this happens, investigators will flag the action
  • Bans can be temporary or permanent, depending on the severity of the infraction. During the ban, you won’t be able to access Realms or any servers (public or private) from any Minecraft release.
Image by Mojang

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Now that Mojang has come out to clear the air, we hope that players are more aware of the implications of the new Player Report. It’s true that players can potentially lose access to legacy and current servers permanently, regardless of whether their offense was reported in a Realm or private server.

However, as more information comes out, we’re hoping that the company can effectively tackle problematic behavior with the Player Report feature and keep their community safe as 1.19.1 slowly arises on the horizon.

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Spanish-speaking gamer with too many hours logged into Minecraft, The Binding of Isaac, Elder Scrolls Online and AC:NH.
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