Modern Warfare II Open Beta Runs Great for Xbox Series S Players

Rizwan Anwer
3 Min Read

The Modern Warfare II Open Beta recently opened up for PC and Xbox Players a couple of days ago, and this increased the player pool to include more players from other platforms. Which also opened the opportunity up for examining how the game performs on multiple platforms. The result for the Xbox Series S is easily the most surprising result.

Modern Warfare II Open Beta on Xbox Series S is a Surprise

In a comparison video done by ElAnalistaDeBits, a YouTube channel that specializes in comparing gameplay videos, they shared a comparison between the PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

The results from the test were no surprise when it came to the PS5 and Xbox Series X, but the real surprise came through the Xbox Series S version.

2160p/60fps with reconstruction rendering
1440p/120fps with reconstruction rendering

Xbox Series X
2160p/60fps with reconstruction rendering
1440p/120fps with reconstruction rendering

Xbox Series S
1440p/60fps with reconstruction rendering
1080p/120fps with reconstruction rendering

While it is common knowledge by now that the Xbox Series X and PS5 can easily run the game at 4K/60FPS and 1440p/120FPS (all of which have dynamic resolution), The Xbox Series S stole the show.

Being able to run at 60 AND 120FPS is a major feat for the console, and while visuals are sacrificed a bit.

Fortunately, there is still enough here to make sure that players aren’t at too great of a disadvantage if it came down to visuals.

Keep in mind that the current Modern Warfare II Open Beta is very heavy as it is, as the player base is very high and there are a lot of demanding game modes, so these tests really show that the Xbox Series S is no slouch.

Another recent feat for the Xbox Series S comes in the form of the console running Deathloop at 1080p and 1440p at 60FPS, which is also another major surprise.

What are your thoughts on the console’s latest feat? Let us know in the comments below!

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