New Battlefield Trailer Could Drop Later This Week

Rizwan Anwer
3 Min Read

It seems that we might have a solid lead on when to expect the New Battlefield Trailer, and this time the source is someone who has a lot more credibility. 2WEI music has just confirmed that two of their songs will be used in video game trailers set for reveal later this week.

New Battlefield Trailer coming later this week

2WEI music just tweeted that two of their songs that are going to be featured in two video game trailers are going to be out later this week.

If you needed any clarification, 2WEI’s music was spotted in a leaked Battlefield trailer audio clip. While we can’t really say that it is definitely the new Battlefield, it is quite a coincidence that the leaked audio does contain a track from the artists, specifically the song titled “Run Baby Run”.

Fans are expecting a reveal trailer to drop in this week for Battlefield so that EA can do a full reveal of the game in June, when E3 2021 is also set to make a comeback. EA will definitely show all the gameplay offerings in full detail and talk about the game at EA Play which will be held in June 2021.

We still don’t know what will be the second game that the music will be used for, but that is where we can still have the element of surprise from the musicians.

While we still don’t know what day or date the trailers are expected to drop, just keep your Shazam near you for any new video game trailers if you aren’t familiar with their music. It should help you in recognizing the artist more easily.

While this is comes as a big surprise to fans and gamers alike, we are well overdue for a new Battlefield game, considering the last entry we got to the series was back in 2018 with Battlefield V.

From a few of the leaked screenshots we have seen, it is possible that EA is going back to the modern setting and leaving the World War era that they had built upon with Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V.

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