The Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection was revealed during a Nintendo Direct that took place on February 17th. While the game is still far from release with a June release date. However, it seems that all 3 games achievements have been prematurely listed on ExoPhase.
Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Achievements Leaked – A True Ninja Test
Back before the Dark Souls became an entire genre, Ninja Gaiden was the game series known for its brutally relentless difficulty, even on normal. The game let you dawn the cowl of master Ninja assassin Ryu Hayabusa as he fought through boss after boss in three different titles.
The achievements and trophies for the game series first came on the Xbox 360 and the PS3, and they are as challenging today as they were back then.
The three achievements listed on ExoPhase are:
Right off the bat, here are the three achievements that are going to stop you from getting a 100% / Platinum trophy in the game.

In addition, a recent listing of the game on the Microsoft store has confirmed that the games will run at 4K/60FPS on the Xbox One, which is yet to be determined for the PS4 Pro version of the game.
Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection is set for a June 10 2021 release on the Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and Steam.
While the trilogy had been long rumored, the game finally getting a proper remaster is definitely going to be a treat for fans of the Souls series who are truly looking for a challenge. While Dark Souls and Ninja Gaiden have much different levels of skill required in terms of combat, with one being more tempered and controlled, Ninja Gaiden is a fast-paced always on your feet kind of game.
While the achievements leaking this early are rather peculiar, normally achievements leak a month or two before the game releases, it seems that the achievements are more or less the same as they were on the seventh generation of consoles (Xbox 360 and PS3).
For now, with these achievements in mind, do you have what it takes to have a go at the trilogy and survive?