It’s that time of the month again when the resident leaker for the community reveals the lineup for PlayStation Plus Essential July 2022 Games Leaked. While this is the first month with the new rollout of the new PlayStation Plus programs, the games for this month are very decent offerings and there is one game in particular that we are sure many fans will be glad to see.
PlayStation Plus Essential July 2022 Games Leaked
PlayStation Plus July 2022 Games Leaked by the resident leaker, Billbil-kun from Deallabs. While in the previous months the leaker has been late to the leaks and only shares the games with us a day before the official post from PlayStation, but this time they have decided to share the good news with us early.

The games in the lineup are:
- The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan
- Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time
- Arcadegeddon
In the previous months, we talked about the prospect of Arcadegeddon coming to the PS4 and PS5, but with the new reveal, it seems that the game is finally making its official debut.
While many fans were skeptical on how the games coming to the PlayStation Plus Essential would be, it’s good to see that Sony is still putting some good quality titles on the plan, and is still giving good priority to the subscribers.
Crash Bandicoot 4 is easily a game that many fans are going to be excited to play, and Man of Medan is a great way to get into the Dark Pictures Anthology, allowing you to play the entry that Super Massive Entertainment will release later this year.
This is a very solid month of gaming, and if you have been looking forward to trying Arcadegeddon which is a new type of looter shooter, you can pair up with friends and give the game a shot.
We can expect the game to get officially revealed in the coming days.