Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Copy Leaked, Datamining Has Begun

Rizwan Anwer
2 Min Read

A Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Copy Leaked ahead of the November 19th release date for the game and dataminers are already hard at work in figuring out what is inside the game currently. The latest entry in the Pokemon Remake series is out a week early and fans are already excited to see what is in the game.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Copy Leaked – All Praise Dialga

A Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Copy Leaked two weeks before the official game launch, and fans are already up in arms about the leak.

According to a thread on the r/gamingleaksandrumors subreddit, the game is now out in the public and is already being dissected by data miners for the purposes of finding out all the goodies inside the game.

Here is a video summarizing all that is known so far.

And here are a few bonus gameplay clips that are unable to be embedded. Gameplay clip 1, Gameplay clip 2.

Known Pokemon dataminer Kaphotics is already hot on the case of datamining the game. They retweet the following tweet everytime they do a datamine.

Pokemon Brillant Diamond/Shining Pearl was the latest remake announced by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. They are remakes of the classic Gen 4 era of Pokemon, and many fans were excited to play the latest entry later this month.

A video game of this magnitude breaking street date is not uncommon, and we are frankly surprised that it happened. If you are excited to play the game, we recommend not watching the videos, but if you are really interested in seeing what the game looks like and if it’s worth the purchase, you can see the videos and gauge whether they pique your interest.

What are your thoughts on the leak? Are you still interested in buying Brilliant Diamond? Let us know in the comments section below!

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