Pokemon Legends Arceus was supposed to release for the Nintendo Switch later this month on the 28th, but it seems that just like any other highly anticipated AAA title, a retailer let an early copy get sold early and now the game is in hands of some gamers. it’s only a matter of time before spoilers and the potential ROM of the game make their way to the internet.
Pokemon Legends Arceus Leaked Copies Are Now Out There
Pokemon Legends Arceus has now leaked onto the hands of a few gamers who were able to secure the game by buying it early from a retailer.
It’s becoming a common practice for early copies of AAA games to accidentally get sold to gamers early, whether its small brick and mortar stores, to even the bigger names like BestBuy and Walmart.
SwitchBrazil, a very trusted name in the world of Nintendo Switch Leaks has confirmed that the copy is indeed legitimate, and two different pictures from what appears to be the same individual, this could mean that its only a matter of time.
A few Twitter users are showing themselves holding the game and have shown the inside of the game box.
Pokemon Legends Arceus takes players to an entirely new region, setting, and is an unprecedented entry in the world of Pokemon games. It is easily one of the better surprises that caught fans when it was announced and is said to be aimed at the more mature Pokemon fans who want a more challenging experience.
The game has frequently been compared to Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild with how dynamic and explorable the open world can be, which is another major feature for a Pokemon Game. While Pokemon Sword/Shield tried to do something similar, it still had a few limitations.
With the leaked game now out there, we recommend staying off the places where you know spoilers can pop up. Places like the comments section of videos, reddit and other places where fans can expect the spoilers to pop up are where they are most likely to be.