Remnant II Early Access Is Available To Play

Early Access Is Live For Ultimate Edition Owners

Rizwan Anwer
Rizwan Anwer
2 Min Read
  • The game can be played 4 days early
  • Available on all platforms
  • Offers co-op with friends

Remnant II reviews went live earlier and the game is already one of our favorite games of the month so far. If you own the Ultimate Edition of the game, you can play the game early on your platform of pre-order. This allows players to enjoy the game 4 days before its official launch.

You Can Play Remnant II Early – With A Catch

Remnant II is the latest title from Gunfire Games and was published by Gearbox. It is set to launch globally on July 25th, 2023 but the early access via the Ultimate Edition is now live across all platforms (PC and Console) if you wish to play the game early.

A screenshot of Remnant II

Remnant II is easily one of the best games to come out this month if you have been waiting for a really good RPG title. With procedurally generated levels, a deep combat system, and much more to offer the title is one we highly recommend checking out if you haven’t already.

The title offers endless hours of fun if you bring a friend along for the ride, it becomes an even better experience, so we recommend venturing the planet of Yaesha. 

The game is set to release on July 25th, 2023 for the PC, PS5, and Xbox Series consoles.

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