Resident Evil 8 PS5 File Size Revealed – Capcom’s Magic Continues

Rizwan Anwer
Rizwan Anwer
3 Min Read

A few weeks ago, Resident Evil 8’s file size was measured up on the Xbox Series consoles, but now its time for us to learn Resident Evil 8 PS5 File Size, which to our surprise – is still Capcom’s magnificent engine at work. Now if only they can let Activision borrow the license for a game or two.

Resident Evil 8 PS5 File Size Revealed – A big package with a small fee

According to a Twitter account that entirely focuses around waiting for the PS Store to add content, they have had a spotless track record thus far.

You can see that the game rounds off at roughly 27GB, which is a very surprising size. The size is normally attributed to indie games or smaller projects. It’s rare to see a AAA title not go past the 40GB mark when it comes to file sizes.

It comes as no surprise that Capcom’s RE Engine is surprisingly well optimized to deliver graphical and audio quality, at a miniscule file size that always manages to impress.

If we are to go by everything we have seen of Resident Evil 8 so far, it is definitely a much larger game than Resident Evil 7, and considering the previous entry in the series fared at around 30GB as well, this is really a big surprise for fans who are eagerly waiting to preload the game as the release date draws closer.

Keep in mind, this is without the day-one patch, which is an inevitable release, however, with Capcom’s previous track record with regards to Resident Evil 2 and 3 Remake, we won’t have to worry about behemoth sized day-one patches, our best guess would put the patch at <1GB in size at most if we were to go by the previous games numbers.

Even with a hefty day-one patch, the game should potentially reach 30GB.

This size also means that the game on the PS4 will also fare at the same size since both games Village demos only varied by 1GB in file size.

For now, what are your thoughts on the Resident Evil 8 PS5 File Size? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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