Rumor: Bioshock Isolation Leaked details emerge on the internet

Rizwan Anwer
4 Min Read
Bioshock Infinite

The last Bioshock title, Bioshock Infinite came out back in 2013 and was met with a lot of critical praise. Expansions for the game were also released, and a collection has been sold for PS4, PC, and Xbox One consoles as well. 2K has confirmed on multiple occasions that a new Bioshock title is in development, and in 2019 we got some more details. Cloud Chamber is working on the next title, and multiple developers from previous titles are in the team. Now, it seems that some details for Bioshock Isolation have leaked, including a supposed logo.

It was confirmed that Ken Levine is not involved in the title, but is working on another project with Ghost Story Games.

Bioshock Isolation Leaked

Twitter user by the name of OopsLeaks has shared a first look at the supposed logo of Bioshock Isolation. This is the current title that has been rumored for the upcoming Bioshock game, and you can give it a look below.

The Twitter account has shared the following details so far

  • First, it is set in a new-to-franchise isolated dystopian city
  • Unreal Engine 5 is the development engine
  • Veterans from Irrational Games are part of the team.
  • Developers that have worked on titles like Watch Dogs: Legion, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Mafia 3, Deus Ex: MD are also involved.
  • They are targetting an early 2022 annoucnement
  • The game will features an open world, but linear main story
  • Almost no backtracking
  • “Innovative” sandbox combat
  • Factions system, and “immersive” sound effects
  • Interactive world that will changed based on your actions
  • It isn’t a PS5 exclusive

Presentation Slide

They also shared, what is supposedly a pitch presentation slide. You can give that a look below.

Presentation Pitch Slide for Bioshock Isolation leaked
Presentation Pitch Slide

Now, this is a new Twitter account that doesn’t have any credibility, but RalphsValve, who has shared details for multiple titles, including the upcoming Call of Duty also shared it.

Take all these leaks with a huge grain of salt. We know that the next Bioshock title was in early stages back in 2019, so it’s definitely years away. 2K Games hasn’t made an official announcement regarding the title of the game either. It will be interesting to see how much of the leaked details match with the official reveal. Isolation could just be a working title or a codename.

It’s also possible that we might see something at The Game Awards, which usually has tons of big announcements every year. However, the leaker believes that the reveal will be coming in early 2022. They have still retweeted a few posts by The Game Awards account though.

What do you make of these Bioshock Isolation leaked details? Are you excited about a new title in the franchise? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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