RUMOR: Call of Duty 2020 won’t have let players have cross-gen for free

Rizwan Anwer
3 Min Read

A new rumor suggests that while the August 10th Announcement may or may not be tied to the Call of Duty 2020 reveal, someone took apart the code in Warzone and has come to the discovery that there might not give players free cross-gen.

Call of Duty 2020 may not be that enticing after all …

MW2Ghost is one of the older Call of Duty Leakers who has a discord community that reached a very shocking discovery.

Someone on their Discord server discovered some hidden code in the current Warzone files.

The current codename for Call of Duty 2020 appears to be Zeus. One of the editions listed in the code is Cross-Gen pre-order.

Whether or not this means players can pre-order the PS4 version and get the PS5 version for free, and vice versa for the Xbox One and Xbox Series X seems to be a bone of contention among fans.

Many gaming companies are offering free next-gen upgrades from their current games. Offering players to get the PS5/Xbox Series X version of a game for owning it on the previous generation console.

The best example of this is games like Cyberpunk 2077, Assassins Creed: Valhalla, and many more.

For Activision to not jump in on the bandwagon can be a significant problem for them. Especially if they plan on releasing it any time soon.

In addition to the above code, it appears that the Woods Operator bundle could be a pre-order bonus for people who pre-order Call of Duty 2020.

This leak adds to a behemoth sized list of stuff that continues to leak about Call of Duty 2020, but it seems Activision is intent on keeping hush about their latest title.

As we enter curtain call for the last games of this generation with games like Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1+2 and Crash Bandicoot 4, it seems Activision is going to bide their time in announcing the latest entry in their highly successful FPS series.

What are your thoughts on the latest leak? Are you still excited for the latest entry even if you have to pay for the cross-gen version? Let us know in the comments section below.

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