Sonic Origins was revealed a few hours ago on the Korean Games Rating Board, but now we have a face to put to the rating. The Sonic Origins Cover Art is similar to the one we got with Sonic Mania and it goes without saying that the image is truly impressive.
Sonic Origins Cover Art – Retro looks good
Sonic Origin is set to be the next big revival for the iconic hedgehog. After dominating the box office with the release of the motion picture sequel, the latest entry in the Sonic games isn’t going to be a new entry by any means, and is in fact looking to remaster the original games that put the blue mammal on the map, in getting a second wind with the help of his older titles.
Someone was able to acquire the image of what the game icon could look like on the PlayStation home menu.

Due to the origin of the link being, there is little to no doubt that this is indeed the genuine deal, and that we should be getting an announcement very soon.
It is only a matter of time before we hear something from SEGA about a release of the series.
Sonic Origins could do for the series what Sonic Mania did – revive interest in the hedgehog for when he was in his prime.
With the offerings being some of the most iconic games in the series: Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and Sonic CD, fans will be hard-pressed not to buy the collection.
While we still don’t know the price or platforms yet, SEGA last commented that it will be available on all current platforms.
With all of the games running natively and with a new coat of paint including 60FPS, modern quality of life improvements, and other attractive features for the games, one can only wonder when we will hear the news of the release. With an art asset and game rating already out in the wild, it is only a question of when and no longer a question of if.