It seems that the store page for The Division Heartland, an upcoming free-to-play title that is coming from Ubisoft has been prematurely listed on the Ubisoft store on the web. As of the time of writing, it links to the EU store, so your luck may vary. The upcoming PvEvP is set to feature 45 players and could be announced fully at Ubisoft Forward.
The Division Heartland Store Page is now live
The Division Heartland is going to be the latest entry in The Division series of games. With a mobile game in the works, Heartland is set to be the next entry in the series and will feature the same PvEvP aspect that made the first and second titles famous.

However, the focus is now shifting to imitating the approach of another competing title – Escape from Tarkov. With a focus of 45 players according to the game’s description on the official page store, there seems to be a hint that the game will feature

According to the description – which doesn’t really tell us much, we can expect a full reveal of the game at Ubisoft Forward later this month, on September 10th.

Currently, the system requirements and release date are still a mystery, but the store page being up early is a sign that the game is slated for an announcement, and perhaps could also be a surprise drop from Ubisoft later this month.
It has been a while since we have gotten any news on The Division IP, so a free-to-play entry would be a good change of scenery.
What are your thoughts on the game? Let us know in the comments section below.