Valorant Breeze Map Guide: Callouts, Tips, Tricks & More

Anwell Patdu
Anwell Patdu - CS2 & Valorant Expert
31 Min Read

Are you looking to improve your Valorant game and brush up on your Breeze knowledge? Here’s our Valorant Breeze Map Guide to help you out.

There’s no denying that the different Valorant maps help keep the game interesting. Each map has its own unique gimmicks and layouts, allowing you to experience the game differently every time you jump into a new match.

Each map is carefully thought of and designed to be as balanced as possible. It’s tough to win on a map that you aren’t familiar with. This is why we’re breaking down each map to help you with the callouts, positions, smoke posts, and more. We’ve already covered a Valorant Icebox map guide, so make sure to check it out if you’re having trouble winning on Icebox.

For today’s guide, we will be explaining and breaking down Valorant’s hottest summer destination, Breeze. Here’s our complete Valorant Breeze map guide that you can use to learn more about the map and play better on it.

Valorant: Breeze Map Guide

Valorant Breeze Map guide

Breeze was the sixth map added to Valorant. It was released in Patch 2.08 alongside minor new features like coaching slots to Tournament Mode and Custom Games. It was added on April 27, 2021, and had the codename “Foxtrot” during its development phase.

Breeze is known for being a tropical map, complete with sea shores, vast oceans, and numerous palm trees. This is why the community has dubbed it the “Beach map.” However, it isn’t all about vacations on Breeze. It also features historic ruins, a stranded cargo ship, and two metal pyramids on the A site.

The map is located on a remote island somewhere in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean. It has bright and colorful open areas, with rope ascenders, a mechanical door, and a one-way chute. The mechanical door works like the one found on Valorant’s Ascent, but it’s indestructible and has a switch on both sides.

I’d say that Breeze is a relatively balanced map with a slight advantage to the Attackers. Over the past 6 months, Attackers won 50.9% of the time, while Defenders won 49.1% across all ranks. The most popular agents on Breeze are Reyna, Jett, and Chamber, having a 49.8%, 49.4%, and 49.4% pick rate, respectively.

Most professional Valorant teams struggle to play on the map. This is mostly because it’s relatively new to the pro scene and wasn’t usually picked before. Therefore most teams don’t have much practice with it. However, teams like LOUD, DRX, and Team Liquid all have a win rate of 80% or higher on Breeze, making them the best teams to watch if you’re looking to improve on Breeze.

Breeze Callouts and Strategies

Valorant Breeze map guide Callouts and Strategies

This next section of our Valorant Breeze map guide is dedicated to the map’s different areas, callouts, and strategies. These callouts are the ones that you can already see labeled on the mini-map or ones that the community has collectively agreed upon. You need to know and memorize these locations by heart to give effective comms and support to your team.

Breeze is one of the few maps in the game that features many open spaces and wide areas. The Vandal and Operator are perfect for this map because of all the long-range fights you will encounter throughout a match. Other guns like the Guardian and Marshall also work well in certain situations.

Agents like Viper, Jett, Chamber, Fade, and Sova excel on Breeze because they can easily take advantage of the wide spaces that the map features. There aren’t that many cheesy corners for enemies to play on. It can also be quite hard to defend once smokes, or intel-gathering abilities are already deployed. This is why Breeze is a slightly Attacker-sided map.

A good strategy for attackers is taking control of the middle area because it gives you the power to choose where to attack. It’s also a great way to corner enemies or catch flanks. Flanking is very powerful in Breeze when done right, which is why you always need to have a lurk or a Sentinel to watch your back.

For defenders, it’s recommended to always have someone watching mid. Ideally, with an Operator in hand. Once you get a kill or two with that Op, it gets way easier to defend both sites and almost guarantees you the round.

We’ll talk about the best smoke spots on attackers and defenders and the best Valorant agents later in our Breeze map guide.

A Site Callouts, Strategies, and Positions on Breeze

The photos above illustrate the most common callouts that are used within the Valorant community on Breeze. The callouts are pretty much a standard system that tells your team the exact area you are talking about.

The A site has two large pyramids right in the middle. These are commonly held angles, especially when the Defenders have an Operator in hand. Generally, you’ll see Op players hold from the right pyramid or right in the middle.

Attackers can usually secure the orb on A site because it’s located inside shop. However, Defenders can still challenge this by peeking through main early or straight up pushing aggressively.

A site also includes the hall, which is a very long open area that can be used to get to the bridge or open the automatic door. Defenders can either hold this area using an Operator or other long-range weapons or with a Sentinels trap. For Attackers, you can use this area to flank or pinch enemies on site.

Ideally, you’ll have a Viper wall to cut off about half of the site, so you only need to worry about the right pyramid. From there, you can use your Initiators utility to clear the back site and safely plant on default. You can also have one or two players pushing from halls or even double doors, allowing them to get picks while the Defenders are occupied with the attack from A main.

For Defenders, you can play right pyramid with an Op, double doors, a cubby for cheeky plays, and orange or stairs if you need some cover. Playing for retakes is recommended instead of holding when the Attackers have already gained control of the site. Attackers have limited post-plant options on A site, making it easier to play for retakes.

B Site Callouts, Strategies, and Positions on Breeze

Next up, here are the B site callouts you must learn. Check these areas in a custom or unrated game to familiarize yourself. Once you get familiar with the callouts and their locations on the map, it’ll all be a breeze to play on Breeze.

B site features a huge pillar in the middle of the site with two entrances on main and tunnel through mid. There’s also a box near default, a cubby near main, and a wall near tunnel that can all be used for cheeky plays.

It’s a little bit harder to secure the orb for both sides because it’s placed right in the middle of B main. Although, Attackers can smoke off the entrance or even place a wall to secure it. Defenders can also easily challenge using Operators or playing close from cubby. It’s a one-way trip once you push through main as Defenders. There’s no cover, so shoot your heart out and try to take as many as you can with you on your way down.

For Attackers, you can usually split through tunnel and B main. However, you can simply commit to a 5-man push through B main and clear the back site, ladder, and lane together or by using your utility. B site offers a bit more post-plant positions than A site. You can push through arches/mcdo or even play from lanes. Either way, that’s a few more areas for post-plant than A site can offer.

Defenders can play Op angles behind the pillar or on top of one of the walls in lane. As mentioned before, there are also a few cheesy angles that you can play for quick kills. Playing from wall or back site are safer options but provides you with less information at the start of a round.

Middle Callouts, Strategies, and Positions on Breeze

Finally, here are the middle area callouts that you can use on Breeze. There aren’t that many callouts that you’ll need to memorize here, so it should be very easy to master. Like other areas on the map, the middle area offers a wide open space where Operators and Vandals thrive.

No orbs are found within the middle part of Breeze, so you will mainly be fighting for area control. Taking control of mid is important for both sides because it gives you access to the two sites and provides a great way to flank the enemy team.

As Defenders, peeking at the start of each round through wooden doors and nest is a great way to secure control of mid. It will allow you to get early kills or push forward and flank. You can also hold an angle from tunnel. However, that leaves you vulnerable to a quick B site rush unless you have a player or traps holding B main.

If you can push up, you can also hold a cheeky angle from mid stack that allows you to catch rotations from elbow and other players entering through wooden doors.

For Attackers, your main choices are pushing through bottom mid or elbow. From bottom mid, you can sneak through doors or crawl up to tunnel or nest for easy flanks. If you decide to push from elbow, you can easily access tunnel or nest, but be careful from pushes coming from wooden doors.

Breeze Map Guide: Best Smoke Spots

The next part of our Valorant Breeze map guide is none other than the best smoke spots. You and your team can use these standard smoke and wall spots to help you cover critical areas and convert rounds into wins.

In Valorant, smoking is generally a Controller’s job. Unlike CS:GO, where everybody needs to learn the best smoke spots and lineups. It’s still important to know these spots even if you don’t primarily play Controllers. These can help you make crucial decisions, teach your teammates where to smoke, or use these yourself when you have to fill the Controller role.

These smoke spots will help you push sites for Attackers or hold sites for Defenders. They are pretty standard smokes that you can never go wrong with. Of course, if you choose to use them all the time, then the enemies are going to catch up and adjust to your smokes.

We’ll try to include as many different setups as we can for the different Controllers in the game so that your favorite agent wouldn’t be left out.

Best Smoke Spots on A Site

First up, we have the A site. The A site is the bigger of the two sites, making it a little harder to cover up areas. Viper’s wall can basically cut the site in half and help you take control of the right pyramid and plant on default. This is why she’s so powerful in Breeze. Just be careful of enemies pushing through the wall, though.

As for the other Controllers, your best bet is to smoke off close left pyramid and in between the two pyramids. You can also smoke off ninja if you have another smoke at your disposal. This covers off most common angles. You only have to check the right pyramid and the other close angles near A main.

For Viper, you can deploy your wall in A lobby, close to A rope, to cut the site in half. For the rest of the Controllers, you should have no trouble reaching your spots from shop or lobby, depending on who you use.

As for the Defenders, you can use Viper’s Poison Cloud as a one-way on wooden doors, allowing you to easily see enemies before they can see you. You can then match it with a simple horizontal wall that divides the plant site from main. If enemies want to plant, they’ll have to go through your wall first and be decayed.

Other Controllers can simply place their smokes on the entrance of A main, together with other skills like a concuss or molly, to hold off rushes. You can also place another smoke on wooden doors if needed. You can also choose to cover halls with a smoke if Attackers like to peek there early.

Best Smoke Spots on B Site

The B site is relatively small and doesn’t have that many angles and positions you have to worry about. Of course, the cheesy shotgun close corner plays are always going to be there. But as long as you have an Initiator on your team, you should have no problem clearing these out.

You’ll want to smoke off crucial areas like arches/mcdo and tunnel. This leaves you a large area to either clear using utilities or straight up face-checking. Unfortunately, entering the B site is a little harder without Viper. The upside, though, is that once you’ve cleared everything, you’ll pretty much have control over the entirety of B site and some post-plant positions from main as well.

On Viper, you’ll have a few options. You can cut the site in half diagonally, leaving only the left side open. This greatly opens up the site and allows your team to enter easily. You’ll only have to worry about the left side and some aggressive pushes through Viper’s Toxic Screen. The downside is that you’ll have fewer post-plant positions, and enemies can easily hide behind the wall.

You can also choose to deploy a vertical wall covering tunnel and arches. It’s a little bit riskier but gives you access to a majority of B site.

For Defenders, you can simply smoke B main and tunnel if your middle player fails to hold elbow. Viper can deploy a horizontal wall that cuts off B main and players exiting from elbow, helping out your middle player as well.

That’s pretty much it for B site. Make sure to mix things around so that your enemy doesn’t know what to expect.

Best Smoke Spots for Mid

Finally, let’s go to the smoke spots for mid. Like B site, there are only a few smokes that you can do for mid. Not to mention that you’ll always want to save at least a smoke or two for your site executes.

For Attackers, you’ll either want to smoke off nest or wooden doors, depending on where you want to push. You can also clear these out using other forms of utility instead to save your smokes for when you push to site.

Viper can cut mid in half using her wall, giving you full control of mid. This is great for lurking or when you have another Controller on your team. Like the other Controllers above, you can also simply use your Poison Cloud to smoke nest or wooden doors.

You can smoke elbow or near the pillar on the Defenders’ side, depending on the angle you want to hold. Although, it isn’t recommended to smoke near pillar because enemies can use it as cover to push deeper into mid.

There’s also a Viper wall that you can deploy from B tunnel that covers everything from elbow all the way to wooden doors. This great mid-control setup discourages pushes from mid and allows your team to focus on their respective sites instead. Attackers can push to ninja, but that’s the farthest they can go without getting decayed.

Best Agents and Common Team Compositions to Use for Breeze

In this section of our Valorant Breeze map guide are the best and most common team compositions that professionals use on the map. We’re listing down and explaining why teams prefer these lineups instead of other agents.

Here are the most popular team compositions for Breeze:

  • Chamber, KAY/O, Sova, Jett, Viper
  • Chamber, KAY/O, Skye, Jett, Viper
  • Cypher, KAY/O, Jett, Skye, Viper
  • Cypher KAY/O, Jett, Sova, Viper
  • Chamber, Sova, Jett, Viper, Skye

As you can see, professional Valorant teams definitely prefer Viper as their main Controller agent above anything else. She’s incredibly powerful on Breeze and can help make your life much easier, both on attacking and defending.

Operator agents like Jett and Chamber are also popular because of all the long-range battles on Breeze. A great Op player can single-handedly win the match, especially on a map like Breeze.

Finally, we have Sova, Skye, and KAY/O as the most popular Initiators. Most professional teams prefer running a double-Initiator lineup, mostly because of how wide Breeze is. Two Initiators can help open up the map a lot and clear a ton of angles quickly. It also goes without saying that Initiators like Sova and KAY/O can delay defuses using their skills, making them valuable post-plant agents.

If you don’t have a squad to play with, you can always dominate in solo queue. Here are some of the best agents you can use on Breeze as a solo player.


Valorant Breeze Map Guide Viper

At this point, you can probably already tell that Viper is hands down the best Controller on Breeze. We’ve stated this countless times throughout our Valorant Breeze guide, and we’re doubling down and saying that Viper is definitely the Controller you want on Breeze.

Viper can easily cut sites in half on the Attacker side and can make your life way easier than it is. When partnered with a good Initiator or two, Viper can become unstoppable, making her the perfect solo queue agent.

Viper can also single-handedly win a round if you learn enough post-plant lineups. Activate your Poison Cloud to instantly decay your opponent and then fire your mollys.


Valorant Breeze Map Guide Jett

As we’ve mentioned before, Breeze is full of open spaces and long-range engagements. This means that weapons like the Operator and Vandal are insanely powerful on the map. This is why Jett is one of the best agents to play on Breeze as a solo queue player.

In general, Jett is a really powerful agent when placed in the right hands. She can solo carry a game and can pull off crazy clutches and flashy plays. She can also greatly help your economy because her Blade Storm ultimate can act as a substitute weapon.

Jett can also reach unorthodox angles using her Updraft, making her Operator scarier when facing. On Attackers, she can dash into sites after the smokes are deployed, and on Defenders, she can prevent rushes with the Op. She’s definitely one of the best Duelists that you can use on Breeze.


Valorant Breeze Map Guide Phoenix

Phoenix is definitely an interesting pick and someone who most people probably didn’t expect. However, Phoenix can be incredibly powerful on Breeze, acting like a “budget Viper” thanks to his Blaze wall.

TL Scream recently busted out the Phoenix pick in Valorant Champions 2022, going 2-0 on Breeze whenever he played the agent. This just goes to show how powerful Phoenix can be, especially in the right hands.

Phoenix’s flash also received a significant buff, making him the perfect pick if your team lacks blinding abilities. Phoenix is an excellent Duelist to use on Breeze because he can block areas using his wall and clear or heal using his molly. He also has a handy entry tool with his Run it Back, paired with a flash or two. Just be sure to warm up and aim train before playing because you’ll rely a lot on Vandals in Breeze.


Valorant Breeze Map Guide Chamber

Of course, we can’t have the perfect map for Operators without mentioning Chamber. Like Jett, Chamber is an excellent agent for using the Operator. He literally has a buffed Operator as his Tour De Force ultimate. Riot can’t be more obvious that Chamber is built to use the Op.

Chamber’s teleport can help him escape danger in a snap, allowing him to play tough angles that other agents simply can’t. He can also use his teleport to reach unique spots and create different angles using elevation. He’s one of the very few agents who can stand on top of the pyramids, which can be a useful one-time trick to easily confuse enemies.

Chamber also greatly helps your team’s economy, allowing you to save up while still having a fighting chance. His ultimate is basically a free Operator, while his Headhunter is a sheriff with ADS that you carryovers to the succeeding rounds.


Valorant Breeze Map Guide Cypher

In a map like Breeze, where there are tons of angles and areas that you need to watch, Sentinels are a big help. There’s no beating Cypher when it comes to holding multiple angles from a safe position.

Cypher’s tripwires are amazing, mostly because you can leave them even if you rotate to the other site. They can’t be smoked nor jumped over (when placed correctly), leaving you no other choice but to shoot them or use utility to avoid them.

His cages also act as a secondary smoke which can be very useful on the attacking side. Cypher’s ultimate and camera are also great intel-gathering tools that can help you decide on where you want to push. Overall, you can’t go wrong with choosing Cypher on Breeze. Just make sure to shake up your trips every once in a while to keep the enemies guessing.


Valorant Breeze Map Guide Skye

For our first Initiator pick for Breeze is none other than the Australian animal lover herself, Skye. Skye is an all-in-one Initiator that can gather information, help her teammates, and set herself up for kills as well.

Skye is great on Breeze because of her strong flashes and her Seekers ultimate that can help you find the location of your enemies. She can also heal your allies after they are done fighting long-range battles all over the map.

Skye’s Trailblazer is also excellent for clearing close corners, allowing you to sniff up any aggressive plays that enemies might be trying to pull off. Her flash can also be used to blind enemies over long distances and set up kills for your team or for yourself. Be sure to call out your flashes, though, because they can also affect your team.


Valorant Breeze Map Guide Sova

Next, we have Sova. Sova is still one of the best Initiators in the game and can pretty much work on any map. He’s powerful on Breeze because of his ability to gather information over long ranges and delay defuses or pushes with his damaging skills.

A standard Attacker side round for Sova included using his Owl Drone to clear close corners and tag enemies and then using his Recon Bolt to scan further away. Once you’ve gathered enough information, your Duelists can safely enter and secure the site.

Sova also has a solid post-plant game thanks to his Shock Bolts and Hunter’s Fury. You can line up from safe distances and use your ultimate to secure the round. When paired with a Viper who also has post-plant lineups, your enemies will be waiting for days before they can even think of defusing the spike.


Valorant Breeze Map Guide KAYO

Our final agent on the list is another Initiator. Having multiple Initiators on one team is just so powerful on Breeze, which is why we’ve decided to include three. KAY/O is a great agent to use because of his unique ability-canceling kit. He can shut down rushes and pushes using his ZERO/point ability.

One reason why KAY/O is a great agent on Breeze is because of his ability to counter Viper, Sova, and Skye, among many others. Once you hear Viper’s walls go up, Sova’s drone, or Skye’s Dog, you can instantly throw your knife and deny them any additional information. You also get information about who you’ve tagged with your knife.

KAY/O can also enter sites using his NULL/cmd ultimate that suppresses anyone caught within its radius. His ultimate, paired with his flashes, can help you secure sites with ease. You also don’t have to be afraid of dying because your teammates can revive you when you get downed if your ultimate is active.


That’s all for our Valorant Breeze map guide. Hopefully, you were able to learn a thing or two about Breeze that you can use to improve your skills and win more games. Be sure to check out our Bind map guide if you’re looking to develop your overall Valorant game.

Remember, improving at Valorant is a long and grueling process. Just be patient, trust the process, and you should get better in no time.

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By Anwell Patdu CS2 & Valorant Expert
Hey, awesome game enthusiasts! I'm Anwell, diving into the gaming world from the days of the Game Boy Advance SP with Pokémon FireRed, evolving into a pro strategist in the intense showdowns of Valorant and CS2. It's a thrill ride I never want to get off!But hey, I'm not all about the competitive scene. Sometimes I'm kickin' back with the latest indie farming sims, where my farm designs—though not award-winners—bring a quirky kind of peace.As for the tech side, yeah, I've put together a PC or two, and it's a blast. But let’s park that for now; we're all about the gaming vibes here!All this joystick joy turned me into a wordsmith in the gaming universe, with a sea of articles to my credit. And the journey, with you all by my side, just keeps leveling up. So, stay tuned, stay connected, and let’s keep this game-night rolling! Ready for more action and less talk? Onward to our next virtual adventure!
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