Ranking the 10 Best Vehicles in BattleBit Remastered

The best vehicle isn't only a matter of function, it's also a matter of style as well.

Hristijan Pavlovski
Hristijan Pavlovski - Content Writer
11 Min Read

There are a ton of vehicles currently in BattleBit. However, only the following can be considered the best vehicles in BattleBit Remastered.

Of course, what “the best vehicle” are is subjective from person to person. What isn’t subjective is certain factors like availability, effectiveness, and survivability. As such, we’ll be ranking the vehicles based on those factors.



best vehicles in BattleBit Remastered BTR82
  • Availability – 10
  • Effectiveness – 7
  • Survivability – 7

The BTR82 is currently one of the best vehicles in BattleBit Remastered. Performance-wise, it’s comparable to the LAV. The reason it’s on top is because of spawn location. Frankly, on most maps, the BTRs simply have better spawn locations than the LAVs.

Regarding availability, it’s definitely a 10, if you’re playing Conquest that is. Each and every map has a BTR on it, both in the 30mm configuration and unarmed.

Effectiveness-wise, the BTR is a 7. The 30mm cannon is exceptional at mowing down enemy soldiers. It’s definitely one of the better tools if you want to Level Up fast in BattleBit, as it makes farming a breeze.

Finally, we have survivability. While it isn’t as survivable as a tank, it’s still more survivable than an armored car. It doesn’t like taking RPGs to the face, but it can survive them.



  • Availability – 10
  • Effectiveness – 6
  • Survivability – 7

The LAV25A1 is currently the second-best vehicle in BattleBit Remastered, and here’s why. Compared to the BTR, which has the 30mm cannon, the LAV25 only gets the Bushmaster 25mm cannon. And don’t ever let anyone tell you that 5mm doesn’t make a difference!

Availability-wise, it’s everywhere, similar to the BTR. Depending on which map you’re playing, it might spawn at your base or in a landing craft on the shore. Regardless, it’ll definitely be there.

Effectiveness-wise, it’s a notch down from the BTR. The Bushmaster 25mm is still a great cannon, don’t get me wrong, but it just isn’t as good as the 30mm.

Finally, we have survivability. It’s good. A bit clunky to drive around in, but it’ll definitely keep you safe from most types of danger. Just be careful not to drive on an anti-tank mine.


M1 Abrams

best vehicles in BattleBit Remastered M1 Abrams
  • Availability – 4
  • Effectiveness – 10
  • Survivability – 10

The good old Abrams, one of the best vehicles in BattleBit Remastered. The Abrams offers some of the best armor in BattleBit Remastered, as well as tremendous firepower capabilities… Now if only it were a bit more available.

Availability is the biggest problem with the Abrams. Even if you’re playing in Conquest mode, you’d be lucky to get your hands on one, as most Conquest maps have an average of 2 tanks per side, with some having just 1.

Effectiveness-wise, this thing is a beast. It has two types of ammunition (same as the T90). Additionally, it’s also brimming with machine guns. On top of all that, it’s remarkably maneuverable for its size, which is always a big plus.

Survivability-wise there’s no equal (other than the T90). This thing eats RPG rounds for breakfast, although, you shouldn’t actively put it through such situations. It can take a Tandem round or two, so long as they’re on the front plate. Any other place, and you’re dead.



  • Availability – 4
  • Effectiveness – 10
  • Survivability – 10

Of course, if you have the Abrams, you must also have its rival – the iconic T-90. The T-90 has comparable stats to the Abrams, probably more than any other vehicle in the game. However, the reason it sits underneath the Abrams is because of the spawn location, which isn’t always ideal.

The T-90 suffers from the same availability issues as the Abrams. Understandable since they’re some of the best vehicles in BattleBit Remastered. If you do manage to get into one, be ready for the joyride of your life.

Effectiveness-wise, it also gets a 10. It has the tools to resolve most situations, whether that’s fire support to bring down a building or a gun to take out the enemy’s vehicles.

Survivability-wise, it’s exceptional. It’s mobile, it has a good turret traverse speed, and it can take quite a few punches. Just be adamant about anti-tank mines and C4 clusters on the road.


Little Bird

Little Bird
  • Availability – 10
  • Effectiveness – 6-8
  • Survivability – 4

The Little Bird is uniquely the vehicle that has the most configurations in the game. Because of that, it can either be one of the best vehicles in BattleBit Remastered, or, one of the worst vehicles.

Availability-wise, it’s the same as the APCs. Every map gets at least one type of Little Bird on it. Now, will that be the “good kind” of Little Bird, or the “bad kind” of Little Bird comes down to the map you’re playing on.

Effectiveness-wise, it can range from a 6 to an 8. Unarmed Little Birds are still a Little Bird at their core. They’re fast, maneuverable, and excellent for inserting a team of operators. The armed Little Birds are exceptionally deadly against infantry, though, they’re quite mediocre against most vehicles.

Survivability- wise… it’s just not there. All it takes is a single good marksman with one of the best Sniper Rifles in BattleBit Remastered to take you out. Even with the recent ballistic rework, you’re still not safe while flying in this thing.



the best vehicles in BattleBit Remastered Blackhawk
  • Availability – 7
  • Effectiveness – 7
  • Survivability – 8

If you want the enemy team to hate your guts, grab a Blackhawk. The Blackhawk is the best tool for inserting an entire squad of teammates behind enemy lines, hence why it deserves to be counted among the best vehicles in BattleBit Remastered.

Most maps have the Blackhawk, but that’s not the problem; the problem is the numbers that are available. It’s usually two per map, but even that isn’t the case sometimes.

Effectiveness-wise, it’s a tool specialized for one thing and one thing only. Transportation, with some light fire support on the side; just don’t expect too much from the miniguns.

The Blackhawk is also shockingly survivable. It’s as close to a flying tank as you can get.



  • Availability – 7
  • Effectiveness – 7
  • Survivability – 8

The KA60, for all intents and purposes, is practically the same as the Blackhawk… just slightly uglier. Hence why it gets the Number 7 spot.


HUMVEE w/M2 Browning

HUMVEE M2 Browning
  • Availability – 10
  • Effectiveness – 6
  • Survivability – 5

Let’s be honest, the HUMVEE has a lot of faults, but still, it deserves to be counted among the best vehicles in BattleBit Remastered, and here’s why. Numbers! It’s absolutely everywhere. It’s not the best at any particular task, but there’s so much of them that it doesn’t really matter.

The HUMVEE in all of its configurations can be found on every single map in the game, and in abundant numbers as well. Although, of all the HUMVEE configurations, the one with the M2 Browning is objectively the best.

The HUMVEE’s goal is to transport troops and to offer light fire support, hence why it gets a 6 on effectiveness. It’s not the best vehicle for either of the tasks, but it’s present in such high numbers that it doesn’t really matter.

All things considered, the HUMVEE isn’t that survivable. It can survive Assault Rifle fire, but that’s about it. Anything else that has a slightly larger punch than that will get through its armor.


GASTIGER w/M2 Browning

Gas Tiger M2 Browning
  • Availability – 10
  • Effectiveness – 6
  • Survivability – 4

The Gas Tiger with the M2 Browning is the counterpart to the HUMVEEM2 Browning. Because it is its counterpart, their stats are practically identical. However, there’s a slight difference between them that makes all the difference – their hitbox.

The Tiger has a larger hitbox than the HUMVEE, which is generally undesirable in any sort of video game, as it means that there’s a larger area in which the opponent can hit you. It’s a good IMV, don’t get me wrong. It just needs to go on a diet.



  • Availability – 11
  • Effectiveness – 2
  • Survivability – 1

Ahh, the dinky old Quadbike. It’s fast, and it’s abundant. Those are its only two redeeming qualities. In every other regard, it is utterly trash.

It can only transport a total of 2 people, it can easily get destroyed by a few bullets and some ugly remarks, and it has no offensive capabilities whatsoever. That being said. Getting on a Quadbike sure beats having to run back from the base after respawning, so that’s nice, I guess.

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Content Writer
Bachelor of Philosophy and Content Writer. In my free time, I also write fantasy short stories and the odd philosophy book here and there. I’m also an avid fan of strategy games and RPGs.
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