10 BEST Genshin Impact Weapons: Claymore Edition

17 Min Read

As an action-packed RPG, Genshin Impact has given us the freedom to choose which weapon best suits our combat style. If you’re the type of Traveler who wants to defeat enemies and engage in the heat of battle without further ado, you’re likely using the most dauntless characters such as Diluc, Beidou, and Eula. With their huge Physical or Elemental damage output per hit, it’s just fitting that they wield claymores out of the five types of Genshin Impact weapons.

What are Claymores in Genshin Impact?

Claymores are one of the five types of playable weapons in Genshin Impact. As a melee weapon, claymores are ideal for close combat due to their powerful and wide attacks. While dealing much more damage per swing, their downside is that hits are slower due to their weight when compared to other melee weapons like swords and polearms.

Despite its downside, a claymore attack deals greater damage not only to monsters but also to Geo constructs, Rock Piles, ores, and enemy shields. You’ll definitely enjoy the advantage of claymores among other Genshin Impact weapons during boss fights and exploration.

With that, let’s dive into the list of the best claymores in Genshin Impact and which characters they work best for! We compiled both 4-star and 5-star claymores that stand out in terms of damage and flexibility to make your journey in Teyvat easier.

Best Claymores in Genshin Impact


Snow-Tombed Starsilver

Snow-Tombed Starsilver
Source: Genshin Impact Wiki

Back when Travelers were still focused and speedrunning Dragonspine’s chests and quests, we stumbled onto the free 4-star claymore Snow-Tombed Starsilver that seemingly fits Chongyun’s aesthetic (Combat-wise, that’s another discussion.). While we may have thought that this weapon favors Cryo DMG dealers more due to its color scheme and the word “snow” in its name, it actually fits better with Physical DPS characters with its substat and passive.

Snow-Tombed Starsilver is one of the 4-star claymores with the highest base attack. In addition, its passive that also deals Physical DMG requires minimal conditions to prompt, making it easy for you to deal additional damage. Due to its damage-specific attributes, it’s not the best for characters who often have element-infused attacks.


  • Highest Base Attack
  • Quest Reward


  • Limited to Physical DMG Dealers
  • Needs Northlander Claymore Billet to Refine
  • Chongyun


Sacrificial Greatsword

Sacrificial Greatsword
Source: Genshin Impact Wiki

Travelers may not always get a 5-star unit when wishing on banners. However, that doesn’t mean that the guaranteed 4-star unit per 10 wishes is sure to disappoint. In fact, the 4-star claymore Sacrificial Greatsword you can get from wishing is one of the ideal weapons for characters who constantly rely on elemental skills and bursts for increased damage. This is also ideal for characters who have a relatively long skill cooldown (CD) or if you simply want to spam their elemental skills and bursts.

Sacrificial Greatsword also boasts the highest base attack available for 4-star claymores. It features an Energy Recharge (ER) substat, which is great for frequent Elemental Bursts. On the other hand, depending on the refinement level, there’s a high chance of ending your elemental skill’s CD by simply damaging an opponent with this talent. This is ideal for shield-based characters if you want a nearly 100% shield uptime. While it may not be the best in terms of dealing great damage numbers, it’s a good choice if you have yet to find more powerful alternatives.


  • Highest Base Attack
  • Ends Long CD


  • Gacha
  • Not Ideal for Short CD
  • Low ER
  • Beidou
  • Chongyun
  • Diluc


Prototype Archaic

Prototype Archaic
Source: Genshin Impact Wiki

If you have an extra Northlander Claymore Billet left in your inventory, you can craft the versatile 4-star claymore Prototype Archaic, which was previously named Protoype Aminus. Despite being F2P-friendly, this craftable weapon performs well and deals decent damage with its ATK attributes. Other than its combat advantages, its aesthetic is also sleek and minimal, making it suitable for any character.

Prototype Archaic is perhaps one of the best F2P and craftable weapons in general out of all Genshin Impact weapons currently available. Given that the majority of DPS characters’ damage depends on their ATK and not HP or DEF, it is a straightforward and versatile weapon that suits almost every claymore-wielding character in-game. It also has an ATK substat despite having the highest base attack available for 4-star claymores.


  • Highest Base Attack
  • Has ATK Substat
  • Versatile


  • Needs Northlander Claymore Billet to Refine
  • Diluc
  • Razor
  • Chongyun
  • Xinyan
  • Sayu
  • Beidou
  • Eula


Serpent Spine

Serpent Spine
Source: Genshin Impact Wiki

If you have availed Gnostic Hymn and have the opportunity to choose any weapon available from the Battle Pass Bounty, then you can grab the 4-star claymore Serpent Spine. Beyond its rebellious and edgy look, this claymore is one of the best Genshin Impact weapons for shielded characters. While it may have a relatively lower base attack than other 4-star claymores, there’s a valid reason why many Travelers choose this weapon for powerful output.

Serpent Spine’s CRIT Rate substat is one of its best features. Still, the total game-changer of this weapon is its damage-amplifying passive. Every 4 seconds a character is on the field, they will deal and take additional DMG with a maximum of 5 stacks. Each time the character equipping the weapon takes damage, they will lose one stack. Its passive might be a bit tricky to use because of its drawback. However, if you have a shielder like Zhongli, Diona, or Noelle herself, Serpent Spine’s damage multiplier significantly outweighs its downside. If you’re great at dodging and want a bit of a challenge, then maybe you’ll also benefit from Serpent Spine.


  • Rare CRIT Rate Substat
  • Passive Greatly Multiplies Damage


  • For Shielded Characters Only
  • Passive Has a Drawback
  • For P2W (Pay-To-Win) Players Only
  • Expensive to Refine
  • Noelle
  • Xinyan
  • Any claymore user protected by a shield (Either from Crystallize or a shield character)


Luxurious Sea-Lord

Luxurious Sea-Lord
Source: Genshin Impact Wiki

During the Moonlight Merriment in Ver. 2.1, we were all dazzled or even bewildered when a whole tuna was added to the roster of limited-time Genshin Impact weapons. The 4-star claymore Luxurious Sea-Lord was perhaps the most or even the only meme-worthy weapon in Genshin Impact. Despite its eccentric design, this air-dried fish turned claymore is not to be underestimated due to its unconditional passive. For those feeling adventurous, the look of this weapon is a sufficient reason to equip it.

Luxurious Sea-Lord’s base attack may be low compared to other 4-star weapons in the game. Still, its ATK substat compensates well and its passive also increases Elemental Burst DMG. If summoning a damage-dealing tuna mid-combat looks fun to you, then Luxurious Sea-Lord is a weapon you can rely on. It is also a versatile claymore that is even more ideal for those who depend on their Elemental Bursts.


  • Unconditional Elemental Burst DMG Increase
  • ATK Substat


  • Low Base Attack
  • Limited-time Only
  • Design Does Not Fit Any Character
  • Diluc
  • Eula
  • Beidou
  • Chongyun
  • Xinyan
  • Sayu
  • Razor


Redhorn Stonethresher

Redhorn Stonethresher
Source: Genshin Impact Wiki

Arataki Itto‘s 5-star signature weapon Redhorn Stonethresher is another worthy pull on the limited-time Event Wishes for weapons. As of the moment, it features the lowest base attack out of all 5-star claymores in-game. However, if your character depends on DEF and not ATK like Albedo, you will understand and even appreciate why it makes a considerable cut on ATK. Its Crit DMG substat alone is already rare given that it’s the only 5-star claymore with this substat.

Redhorn Stonethresher’s passive greatly favors DEF with a considerable buff. Additionally, based on their total DEF, your character’s Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG are increased. Considering that this weapon is specially made for Arataki Itto’s unique playstyle and even color scheme, there is not a lot of characters that can utilize this claymore. By far, the only characters that scale off DEF in-game are Arataki Itto, Noelle, and Albedo. While it may not be the most versatile, it still performs well as a 5-star weapon.


  • Rare Crit DMG Substat
  • Favors DEF-Scaling Characters
  • Passive Greatly Multiplies Damage


  • Only Benefits Few Characters
  • Expensive to Get and Refine
  • Gacha
  • Obtainable via Limited-time Event Wishes Only


Skyward Pride

Skyward Pride
Source: Genshin Impact Wiki

If you got lucky (or not) in the standard banner and pulled for the 5-star claymore Skyward Pride, then you’ll know it’s a great weapon due to its higher base attack compared to other 5-star claymores. With its ER substat, you can rely on Skyward Pride so you can spam your character’s Elemental Burst. Fitting for a standard 5-star weapon, Skyward Pride can be used by almost any claymore-wielding character in your party.

Skyward Pride’s passive automatically increases all DMG you’ll deal by 8% at R1. Once you utilize your Elemental Burst, a Normal or Charge Attack will create a vacuum blade that deals additional 80% ATK as DMG to opponents. Due to its versatility and benefit for Elemental Bursts with high energy requirement, Skyward Pride is a great claymore overall.


  • High Base Attack
  • Unconditional DMG Increase
  • Available on the Standard Banner


  • Gacha
  • Expensive to Get and Refine
  • Eula
  • Diluc
  • Sayu
  • Beidou
  • Chongyun


The Unforged

The Unforged
Source: Genshin Impact Wiki

This slab of rock may look unassuming, but the 5-star claymore The Unforged is also a remarkable weapon on the limited-time weapon banner. Its high base attack and ATK substat make it a straightforward weapon in dealing great damage numbers. While it does not feature DEF, it has strong defensive properties that can help you defeat enemies in no time without losing HP.

The Unforged strongly favors shielded claymore-wielding characters with its shield strength increase. Furthermore, each hit on opponents increases ATK by 4% with a maximum of 5 stacks. As long as you’re protected by a shield, this ATK increase even doubles. It works similarly with Serpent Spine’s passive but without the drawback. Overall, The Unforged is an excellent balance of offense and defense.


  • High Base Attack
  • ATK Substat
  • Balances Attack and Defense


  • Best For Shielded Characters Only
  • Gacha
  • Expensive to Get and Refine
  • Obtainable via Limited-time Event Wishes Only
  • Beidou
  • Xinyan
  • Noelle
  • Any claymore user protected by a shield (Either from Crystallize or a shield character)


Song of Broken Pines

Song of Broken Pines
Source: Genshin Impact Wiki

The design of the 5-star claymore Song of Broken Pines emanates elegance, which is suitable for the character it’s intended for. As the so-called Physical Archon, Eula wields this 5-star weapon that prides in the highest base attack out of all Genshin Impact weapons. As expected, it has a Physical DMG Bonus substat and a 16% ATK increase from its passive on top of its base attack.

Song of Broken Pines offers even more than that if you need more ATK. Normal or Charged Attacks grant Sigils of Whispers which temporarily increase Normal ATK SPD (Speed) and ATK. While nearly any claymore-wielding character can benefit from this powerful weapon, not a lot of characters are Physical DMG dealers. Nonetheless, it still outperforms other 4-star and 5-star claymores.


  • Highest Base Attack
  • Unconditional ATK Increase from Passive
  • Passive Greatly Multiplies Damage


  • Best for Physical DMG Dealers Only
  • Gacha
  • Expensive to Get and Refine
  • Obtainable via Limited-time Event Wishes Only
  • Eula
  • Razor


Wolf’s Gravestone

Wolf's Gravestone
Source: Genshin Impact Wiki

If you battle Andrius in The Wolf of the North Challenge every week, you might have noticed that the mechanism with “Commence Trial” features a spirit-like version of the 5-star claymore Wolf’s Gravestone. This weapon from the standard banner is perhaps one of the most powerful and versatile Genshin Impact weapons in-game. With its high base attack and ATK substat, it benefits both Physical and Elemental DPS as well as those who do not wield claymores.

Wolf’s Gravestone works as a DPS and Support weapon due to its passive. It automatically increases ATK by 20% and provides a temporary 40% ATK buff to all party members. According to many, Wolf’s Gravestone is intended for Razor due to his “lupical” background. However, it has become more of Diluc’s original weapon because of his design and playstyle.


  • High Base Attack
  • ATK Substat
  • Versatile
  • Passive Greatly Multiplies Damage
  • Support Capabilities
  • Available on the Standard Banner


  • Expensive to Get and Refine
  • Gacha
  • Diluc
  • Razor
  • Beidou
  • Eula
  • Sayu
  • Xinyan
  • Chongyun


Which claymore do you think is the most powerful? Did we miss other 4-star claymores that are just as great in terms of output and design? Comment down below your thoughts and what claymores your party members use!

We hope you enjoyed this article on Genshin Impact weapons, focusing on claymores! If you want to amplify your damage further, check out our post on the best food to cook in Genshin Impact!

We also have character guides so you can build and make the most out of your characters’ potential! Check them out here.

Thank you for reading this article!

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A rookie writer and an experienced player of games. Can be found playing Minecraft, Genshin Impact and LoL. In his free time he writes, plays games, codes, reads books or annoys the people around him.
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