Tag: Devolver Digital

Trek to Yomi Review: Samurai Dies More than Twice

Trek to Yomi is a cinematic action-adventure game from Leonard Menchiari, Flying Wild Hog, and Devolver…

7 out of 10Good

How to fix the Trek to Yomi crash at launch issue on PC

Trek to Yomi is a cinematic action-adventure game from Leonard Menchiari, Flying…

Ali Hashmi Ali Hashmi

How to disable the Weird West Vignette effect on PC

Weird West is now available on PC and various other consoles. It's…

Ali Hashmi Ali Hashmi

How to disable the Weird West Chromatic Aberration Effect on PC

Weird West is an action RPG immersive sim from WolfEye Studios, and…

Ali Hashmi Ali Hashmi

Weird West Review: Immersive Fantasy Cowboy Sim

Weird West is an immersive sim from WolfEye Studios and Devolver Digital.…

9 out of 10Awesome

How to disable the Shadow Warrior 3 Mouse Acceleration on PC

Shadow Warrior 3 is the latest entry in the first-person shooter series…

Ali Hashmi Ali Hashmi

How to disable the Shadow Warrior 3 Depth of Field effect on PC

Shadow Warrior 3 is the latest entry in the iconic first-person shooter…

Ali Hashmi Ali Hashmi

How to disable the Shadow Warrior 3 Chromatic Aberration effect on PC

Shadow Warrior 3 is a first-person shooter in the iconic series from…

Ali Hashmi Ali Hashmi

How to fix the Shadow Warrior 3 Crash at launch issue on PC

Shadow Warrior 3 is the latest entry in the iconic first-person shooter…

Ali Hashmi Ali Hashmi

Shadow Warrior 3 Review – Get your Mojo back!

Shadow Warrior is one of the oldest franchises in the FPS genre,…

8.5 out of 10Great