It seems that Yakuza Like a Dragon was originally anticipated to be an exclusive title for the Xbox Series X, but a recent rating with the regional rating boards, PEGI and ESRB have revealed that like a dragon, the game is going to branch out to as many platforms as possible…except the Nintendo Switch.
Yakuza Like a Dragon – Coming to almost every platform.
When first revealed on May 7th, it was heavily implied that the game would be an Xbox Series X exclusive, especially since the game also didn’t show up at any Sony show or other platform trailers.
A new rating for the game from the ESRB and PEGI have both confirmed that Yakuza Like a Dragon is a broad multi-platform release that spans the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and the PC.
Originally spotted by Gematsu.
The ESRB rating also confirms some details about the game:

It is only recently that the Yakuza games have branched out to the Xbox One and the PC, and it seems Sega is more than pleased with the venture.
After being PlayStation exclusives for several years, the game has found a new fan base that appreciates the series wacky approach to handling organized crime as a setting.
While we still don’t have a release date for Yakuza Like a Dragon, we do know that the Xbox Series X trailer for the game said that the game is playable on Day 1 on the Xbox Series X.
Whether this means that the game will launch at the same time as the new generation consoles, or slightly after it is something up for debate.
Starting off a new console generation with a brand new entry to the Yakuza series is definitely kicking off on a high note, and one that fans are thoroughly looking forward to.
It is also worth mentioning that the Xbox Series X and PS5 could be more enhanced than their current-generation counterparts, as such, if you’re planning on buying the game, you might consider buying it on the newer consoles, unless the game supports Smart Delivery on both systems.
What are your thoughts on the rating? Let us know in the comments section below!