Tag: Larian Studios

Speed Up Dice Rolls in Baldur’s Gate 3 Using This Mod

Dice rolls are a key part of Baldur's Gate 3's gameplay, and…

Ali Hashmi

Highlight Everything in Baldur’s Gate 3 With This Mod

The modding community for Baldur's Gate 3 has been hard at work…

Ali Hashmi

Enable Baldur’s Gate 3 Achievements Again With This Mod

RPGs on PC and modding go hand in hand, and it isn't…

Ali Hashmi

Increase Your Carry Weight in Baldur’s Gate 3 With This Mod

Look, no one likes carry weight in RPGs, and it becomes especially…

Ali Hashmi

Earn XP Faster in Baldur’s Gate 3 Using This Mod

Have you been playing Baldur's Gate 3 for a while now, and…

Ali Hashmi

Baldur’s Gate 3 Cross-Save Progression Confirmed for PC and PS5

Baldur's Gate 3, currently available as an early access title on PC,…

Ali Hashmi